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      • Sanitary & municipal engineering
        March 2013

        The Energy Roadmap

        by Water Environment Federation

        The Energy Roadmap serves as a guide for utilities of all sizes on the path to sustainable energy management. In it, you will explore innovative approaches to cost-effectively recover and reuse resources to transform “wastes” to valuable products. The book outlines six stops on the path to resource recovery, presenting insights and models for strategic management,creating an organizational culture,effective communication and outreach,demand-side management,energy generation, and innovating for the future.

      • Sanitary & municipal engineering
        June 2015

        The Nutrient Roadmap

        by Water Environment Federation

        The Nutrient Roadmap, written to help utilities achieve the goal of a zero net impact with regard to nutrient discharges by 2040, is a first step toward accelerating the transition to smarter nutrient management, facilitating the shift from removal to recovery, and anticipating future requirements to conserve energy and reuse resources. By reading this book, you will have a better understanding of where your utility falls on the path to becoming a facility that not only produces clean water, but recovers critical nutrients for reuse in an energy-neutral manner. You will explore key issues to consider as you move toward this goal, such as: environmental and community effects, operational effectiveness, economic factors, permit compliance, regulatory compliance,current and emerging treatment technologies, and more. Case studies explore the innovative, cost-effective solutions employed by pioneering wastewater resource recovery facilities. The Nutrient Roadmap acknowledges that each utility faces unique challenges and provides you with a variety of paths to follow and alternative destinations from which to choose as you embark on the road toward sustainability.

      • Sanitary & municipal engineering
        July 2014

        Moving Toward Resource Recovery Facilities

        by Water Environment Federation

        Resource recovery is an emerging societal need around the globe.  Due to the ever-increasing pressures on increasingly limited environmental resources, it is critical that recovery of resources (water, nutrients, and energy) from waste streams be implemented. Moving Toward Resource Recovery Facilities is about moving away from waste streams and moving toward values streams. Providing an overview of the fundamental drivers for resource recovery from wastewater and presenting the basic case for resource recovery, Moving Toward Resource Recovery Facilities provides an overview of state-of-the-art technological approaches to resources recovery and provides general guidance on the applicability of recovery technologies for the cross section of facility types.  This allows facilities to take steps towards recycling a greater number of otherwise lost resources.

      • Sanitary & municipal engineering
        February 2012

        Basic Laboratory Procedures for the Operator-Analyst

        by Water Environment Federation

        This publication includes laboratory procedures most often performed in wastewater laboratories and general wet chemistry procedures, activated sludge process control tests, bacteriological testing, and special sections about basic laboratory techniques and proper use of spectrophotometers and colorimetry. Each method (procedure) is broken down into easy-to-follow, step-by-step directions that adhere to recommendations found in Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater and approved U.S. Environmental Protection Agency guidelines. The intention of the manual is to help the operator–analyst produce analytical data that are defensible, precise, and accurate for process control and permit reporting.

      • Sanitary & municipal engineering
        June 2012

        Wastewater Treatment Plant Design Handbook

        by Water Environment Federation

        This Handbook complements several recognized wastewater treatment design references, including Design of Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants, MOP 8. It facilitates access to those design guides by providing concise information from them and enabling the reader to quickly locate additional information by following direct references. This publication is written for students and design professionals familiar with wastewater treatment concepts, the design process, plant operations, and the regulatory basis of water pollution control.

      • Sanitary & municipal engineering
        July 2015

        Shortcut Nitrogen Removal

        by Water Environment Federation

        Shortcut Nitrogen Removal—Nitrite Shunt and Deammonification is an essential resource for facility owners and practitioners evaluating the implementation of these advancements, including guidelines for assessing the application of various technologies. Shortcut nitrogen removal, an emerging economical solution for water resource recovery facilities, refers to the biological nitrogen removal (BNR) process whereby ammonia is not converted to nitrate, but instead stops at nitrite to shortcut the conventional nitrification/denitrification process. The resulting breakthrough single-step deammonification has significant advantages compared to conventional BNR processes, including reduced energy requirements, reduced carbon requirements, and reduced chemical costs.

      • Sanitary & municipal engineering
        March 2015

        Ultraviolet Disinfection for Wastewater

        Low- Dose Application Guidance for Secondary and Tertiary Discharges

        by Water Environment Federation

        Using specific case studies to illustrate concepts, UV Disinfection for Wastewater fills a gap in the design guidance that is available for UV disinfection for low-dose applications, including disinfection of secondary and tertiary wastewater effluent discharges to meet NPDES compliance. Developed in conjunction with the International Ultraviolet Association, this essential guide for consultants, wastewater utilities, and operators provides introductory information on the advantages—and disadvantages—of UV disinfection compared to other commonly used technologies. Regulatory agencies will find valuable information to assist in their review of applications for the use of UV disinfection systems in water resource recovery facilities that are subject to discharge limits for bacteria under National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permitting.

      • Sanitary & municipal engineering
        June 2013

        Emergency Planning, Response, and Recovery

        by Water Environment Federation

        Emergency Planning, Response, and Recovery will help your utility develop an emergency response plan to recover from events such as infrastructure failure, small- and large-scale natural disasters, and human-created incidents. Includes case studies from around the world.

      • Sanitary & municipal engineering
        April 2002

        Wastewater Biology: The Microlife

        by Water Environment Federation

        This revised 2nd edition emphasizes the biological aspects of wastewater treatment that are valuable to operators and technicians in understanding and regulating their treatment processes. Presents the description, ecology, and functions (both beneficial and detrimental) of organisms and microorganisms (the microlife) found in wastewater treatment processes. This volume of the Wastewater Biology series is valuable to wastewater professionals such as sanitary engineers, chemists, microbiologists, and educators. Generously illustrated with a minimum of technical jargon. Updates the original text; adds significantly to the chapters on the microscope, filamentous microorganisms, metazoa and photomicroscopy; and provides specific chapters on the microorganisms and the bacteria. Published by WEF. Soft Cover. 312 pages. 2001.

      • Sanitary & municipal engineering
        August 2015

        The Effective Water Professional

        Leadership, Communication, Management, Finance, and Governance

        by Water Environment Federation

        The Effective Water Professional—Leadership, Communication, Management, Finance, and Governance provides readers with all the materials they need to succeed using proven techniques written by industry leaders. There is a large demand for young professionals in the water industry and The Effective Water Professional—Leadership, Communication, Management, Finance, and Governance provides readers with all the materials they need to succeed using proven techniques written by industry leaders. Challenges for the new era associated with the water–energy nexus, infrastructure, the need for global water solutions, and increased regulatory requirements require the use of new tools and nontechnical skills. This textbook covers leadership, communication, utility management, utility governance, and finance as it relates to the water industry in extensive detail and includes class discussion points and numerous examples.

      • Sanitary & municipal engineering
        July 2017

        Wastewater Biology: The Microlife

        by Water Environment Federation

        Wastewater Biology: The Microlife is a widely-used, essential reference for wastewater operators and engineers. This new edition explores the organisms that are considered the most important in the treatment of wastewater and disease transmission and provides you with the knowledge needed to regulate and control treatment processes properly. In addition to detailed information on bacteria, protozoa, rotifers, nematodes and other metazoan, filamentous organisms, pathogens, and parasites, it includes a discussion of the microscope and photomiscroscopy as well as other tools, equipment, and procedures that are necessary for examining, identifying and enumerating these life forms. Generously illustrated with a minimum of technical jargon, this is an easy-to-use guide to the biological aspects of wastewater treatment. Includes 13 color plates to assist in identifying the microlife.

      • Sanitary & municipal engineering
        September 2017

        Operation of Water Resource Recovery Facilities Study Guide

        by Water Environment Federation

        This study guide is a companion to the seventh edition of Operation of Water Resource Recovery Facilities, MOP 11. The manual and study guide can be used for training classes, studying for certification exams, and improving the quality of operations within the facility or firm.   As with the latest edition of MOP 11, this study guide reflects the state of the art coverage in water resource recovery facility management and operation. The questions emphasize principles of treatment, facility management, troubleshooting, and preventive maintenance. The Operation of Water Resource Recovery Facilities Study Guide contains challenging questions and detailed solutions to help you with continuing education as well as on the job demands. A list of symbols and acronyms, conversion factors, and a glossary are also included. These questions can be used to help develop advanced knowledge and ensure that your water resource recovery facility is fulfilling its mission of environmental protection.

      • Sanitary & municipal engineering
        August 2017

        The Water Reuse Roadmap

        by Water Environment Federation

        Increasingly, our demands for water for both human activity and the environment, are pushed to the limits of naturally available water resources. Engineered water reuse systems can harness natural cycles to augment water demands, but the challenges, opportunities, and benefits of water reuse are broad and diverse.   The Water Reuse Roadmap is an overview of all the opportunities and issues faced by water reuse projects. Developed to help water managers facilitate successful water reuse programs, from concept development through implementation and maintenance, the guidance in this book enables water managers to determine the social, technical and financial feasibility of water reuse options in their specific situation, initiate a water reuse program when appropriate, or expand an existing reuse program based on new approaches and opportunities for innovation. It begins with initial concept development; then describes stakeholder engagement, regulatory, risk assessment, and planning processes; and finishes with advice on financing, implementing, operating, and maintaining water reuse infrastructure. In addition to this detailed guidance, the Roadmap includes case studies to help water managers holistically identify, evaluate and implement their water reuse options.

      • Sanitary & municipal engineering
        September 2017

        Activated Sludge and Nutrient Removal

        by Water Environment Federation

        This extensively revised third edition of Activated Sludge and Nutrient Removal, MOP OM-9 reflects industry best practices and the latest advances. It is the primary reference for the operation of the activated sludge process. Expanded content includes an updated process control section with step-by-step examples for calculations, a new laboratory chapter with detailed directions for common process control tests, and an introduction to using modeling for process control. Operators are guided through selecting an appropriate sludge age, calculating wasting rates, optimizing return activated sludge flow, managing clarifier blankets, and setting DO and ORP set points. Advanced concepts in nutrient removal and biological process modeling are also addressed. Practice questions have been added to the end of each chapter to help the reader enhance their understanding of the material and retain information vital to solving performance problems and improving operations.   Features & Benefits Practice questions at the end of each chapter Covers advanced concepts such as nutrient removal and biological process models Updated process control section with step-by-step examples for calculations New laboratory chapter with detailed directions for common process control tests An introduction to using modeling for process control

      • Sanitary & municipal engineering
        October 2017

        Sustainability and Energy Management for Water Resource Recovery Facilities

        by Water Environment Federation

        Global climate change, volatile energy prices, and other potential forces of change, require water resource recovery facility designers to plan and design facilities that are sustainable—less costly to operate and maintain over a facility’s full life cycle and more resilient to near- and long-term change. This companion to Design of Water Resource Recovery Facilities, MOP 8, describes the best practices for evaluating and improving the energy management and sustainability of WRRFs. It includes an assessment of commonly used sustainability frameworks and guidance on the practical application of sustainability concepts at key decisions points during the planning, preliminary design, final design, construction, and operational phases of WRRF capital projects. The strategies, tools, and references that are discussed are globally applicable and will help the reader plan projects that meet today’s expectations of facilities with: significantly reduced energy consumption, modern automated equipment with less downtime, lower operation and maintenance costs, resiliency to weather extremes, lower chemical inputs, and marketable products through resource recovery.

      • Natural disasters
        August 2015

        Droughts in Agricultural Production

        Monitoring & Management

        by G.G.S.N. Rao

        Drought is considered to be a normal feature of climate especially in tropical countries where occurrence of periods of dry weather during rainy season is common. Virtually droughts can occur in all climates and they can also be witnessed when the air temperatures are higher than the normal for a longer period that increases both evaporation and water deficit. 1. The first deals with the introduction to the topic, historical evidences of drought and famines in India. 2. The definition of droughts, criteria for classification of droughts, drought indices based on rainfall, climate derivatives and remote sensing are covered under two. 3. Information on climate change with respects to climate trends, projections on temperature and rainfall at global as well at national level, consequences of climate change on droughts are presented in there. 4. Approaches on drought monitoring, adopted by various countries, international cooperation in drought monitoring and drought monitoring mechanism in India are presented in four. Decision Support Systems and applications of GIS for drought monitoring are also covered in this . 5. World food production and its variability, the impact of phenomenal drought during 2009 on food grain production in different countries, impacts of droughts on livestock, milk and fisheries production are covered under five. 6. Global surface waters, availability of surface waters in India, influence of drought on fauna and flora of surface waters and global warming on water resources at global and national level is discussed in – six. 7. Drought management strategies, drought planning and preparedness action plans at global as well at national level, indigenous knowledge on drought management, astrological techniques in weather forecasting and traditional wisdom on management of droughts in different nomadic communities in Asia and Africa are covered in seven. eight carries the conclusion of the entire book. Book will be useful to the students and research scholars of Agrometeorology, Meteorology and Geography and all Research Scientists dealing with NRM.

      • Sustainable agriculture
        October 2016

        Integrated Farming System Practices

        by Sankarsana Nanda

        This book focuses on different practices of Integrated Farming System in eastern-India and for scaling up the technology for community need. It provides a detailed account of principles, challenges and opportunities in simpler yet compact manner for better understanding of the researchers and policy makers.

      • Sustainable agriculture
        July 2019

        Integrated Farming Systems and Agricultural Sustainability

        by A Zaman

        The book is organized into sixteen chapters. A brief description of each of the chapters follows: Chapter 1 identifies the concept of importance and definition as basic requirement to know the challenges in the management of information security in the new millennium; Chapter 2 identifies the types of farming system and factors affecting farming system; Chapter 3 envisages sustainable agriculture, its problems and its impact in cropping system; Chapter 4 takes historical background of agriculture, its changing scenario and its resilience over the years. Chapter 5 delineated sustainable agriculture, its importance and its impact in cropping system; Chapter 6 describes the agro-climatic and agro-ecological zones that need for model of integrated farming system to be developed as a policy perspective to ensure the crop cultivation the highest level of protection against all sorts of threats. Chapter 7 takes history of agriculture, its changing scenario and its resilience over the years. Chapter 8 reviews the rejuvenation, modernization and mechanization of agriculture, its present bottlenecks on ethical elements of security such that trust could be promoted to outburst the explosive population; Chapter 9 reviews the information on soil resource in the context of problematic security threat; Chapter 10 reviews issues on external input based sustainable agriculture surrounding low land utilization as existing resource mobilization and utilization. Chapter 11 presents the importance of organic farming well as organic agriculture to get the best results in sustainable agriculture; Chapter 12 addresses the issue of water management and planning, with particular reference to irrigation management and judicious water application in crop cultivation. Chapter 13 presents gaps and problems in each of the current approaches in rainfed agriculture, rainwater harvesting as well as rainwater management in growing crops in best possible manner; Chapter 14 discusses management of lowland areas towards sustainable agriculture; Chapter 15 refers the land degradation and land treatments in the way of effective utilization of land resources through tillage, conservational tillage and other suitable measures; and Chapter 16 concludes the present principle of remedies, the economic equity, social security along the future task and presents pragmatic, formal, informal and technical principles necessary for managing food security in the new millennium.

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