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      • Humanities & Social Sciences

        Ungal Kulanthai Yarudaiyathu?

        by Jeyarani

        We strive to enlighten our children With that in mind but We turn them into students. We only teach mindfulness in the season when knowledge is on fire. We make our children ourselves into modern beasts who have misunderstood the caste-based social values ​​of gender inequality and embraced the hyper-imagination of the economy. Thus we first need to understand that we are parents who have no understanding of education and do not know what the basics of child rearing are. The book is like a slap in the face to the fact that Indian parents can be subdued in two ways as strict parenting or pet parenting. Although the words of the author Jayarani, who speaks through this book, may hurt us in some places, there is a need for every parent to absorb these considering the future completeness of our children.

      • Humanities & Social Sciences
        November 2019

        La magie de l'empathie

        Théorie et pratique

        by Dre Nicole Audet, M.D.

        Mon père détestait manger des pommes de terre non salées qu’il jugeait fades et sans goût. Comme lui, je reste sur mon appétit après une conversation superficielle et vide de sens. Pour mettre du piquant dans mes relations, j’ai dû y mettre de l’empathie, cette épice mystérieuse qui a le pouvoir de transformer ceux qui la maîtrisent.Dans ce livre, je vulgarise d’abord la théorie de la communication, puis je raconte des moments magiques où l’empathie a fait son œuvre dans ma vie et dans ma carrière. Enfin, je présente des recettes éprouvées pour se préparer à parler et à écouter avec cœur, authenticité et empathie. Ces compétences exigent des efforts de préparation, de concentration et d’ouverture vers l’autre, mais elles rapportent au-delà de toute espérance chez ceux qui les pratiquent et les maîtrisent. Après tout, pour être savoureuse, la patate a besoin de sel tout comme la communication a besoin d’empathie pour rehausser son goût. C’est magique!Mme Ruth Vachon, présidente et directrice générale du Réseau des femmes d’affaires du Québec signe la préface de ce livre.

      • Humanities & Social Sciences
        November 2019

        The Magic of Empathy

        Theory & Practice

        by Dr. Nicole Audet, M.D.

        So many of our relationships—including those most important to us are complicated by not listening: we are eager to speak, we talk over each other, or we unintentionally disregard the inner experiences of others. This is most notable in the working world, where a gap exists between professional efficiency and true human connection. In this heart-warming and radically honest book, Dr. Nicole identifies the remedy for resolving the pain and distance caused by miscommunication: empathy. Empathy, the ability to recognize and make space for another’s emotions without judgment, is both an action and a choice. Discovering the power of empathy to heal and create connections dramatically improved Dr. Nicole’s life, both as a mother and a doctor.The initial chapters demystify the theory of communication, focusing on empathy in theory and practice. Dr. Nicole also shares numerous powerful stories from her own life and career that reveal how empathy has led to authentic connections and long-term healing. Lastly, she provides the reader with proven exercises that will allow you to practice listening without judgment, honoring silence, responding with wisdom, and speaking from the heart. Such communication skills will open the doorsto moments of pure magic in your life.Foreword by Ruth Vachon, President and CEO of the Quebec Business Women’s Network.

      • Psychology of gender
        August 2015

        The Great Immigration Scandal

        by Moxon, Steve, A01

        Outlines the events that led to the decision that the author could no longer participate in a policy that appeared to be at odds with the intentions of Parliament. This book includes an analysis of the relevant scholarly literature in demography...

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences

        BAD BOYS

        Why We Love Them, How to Live with Them and When to Leave Them

        by Carole Lieberman, MD

        This perennial classic was a bestseller when Penguin/Dutton first published it in 1997 (hardcover) and 1998 (trade paperback). Since women are still attracted to—and getting their hearts broken by—bad boys, they are still eager to discover why and how to find true love. The book profiles 12 types of Bad Boys—including the Fixer-Upper Lover, Self-Absorbed Seducer, and Commitment Phobe—and helps women turn their frog into a prince!

      • Family & relationships
        February 2015

        Sticky Girls

        Why Women Stay in Bad Relationships

        by May Woodworth

        Women who cling to toxic relationships. How to recognize the syndrome and tips to overcome it. Includes a Sticky Girl quiz.

      • Psychology of gender

        Reparaturprojekt Mann - Erholungsgebiet Frau

        Feministische psychosoziale Beratung bei Beziehungskonflikten, Gewalterfahrung, Trennung und im Umgang mit Arbeit, Geld und Körper

        by Bettina Zehetner Bettina Zehetner ist Mitbegründerin der Beratungsplattform FRAUEN* BERATEN FRAUEN*, Wien. Konkrete Beispiele aus der Praxis zeigen, wie eine feministische Haltung die Therapie verändert und wie aus dem frischen Blick auf traditionelle Konzepte eine psychosoziale Beratung erwächst, die Hilfesuchende befähigt, mit kritischem Bewusstsein geschlechtsspezifische Bewertungen von Verhalten und Eigenschaften zu hinterfragen. Die Erkenntnis, dass es ein physisches und psychisches Leiden an Geschlechternormen gibt, setzt dem Gefühl persönlichen Versagens etwas entgegen und verleiht den Mut, eigene tiefgreifende Problemlösungen zu wagen. Feministische Beratung

      • Psychology

        Relaciones amorosas de las mujeres encarceladas

        by Estíbaliz de Miguel-Calvo

        En un espacio de reclusión hablar de amor es transgressor. La autora rompe el silencio de la privación y comparte con mujeres presas una faceta poco investigada pero muy presente en la vida y profundamente sentida en privación de la libertad.

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