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      • Humanities & Social Sciences
        October 2020

        Der Spendenkomplex

        Das kalte Geschäft mit heißen Gefühlen

        by Alexander Glück

        Sicher ist: Angesichts wachsender Hungersnöte in vielen Regionen der Welt wird das Spenden neben politischen, ökonomischen Veränderungen wichtiger denn je. Nicht nur der jüngste Skandal um das Kinderhilfswerk UNICEF lässt viele Spender aber am Sinn des organisierten Massenspendens zweifeln. Zuviel Geld geht für Organisation und Akquisition von Spenden verloren, zu viele Spenden erreichen nicht ihr Ziel oder zementieren eine kolonialistische Ausbeutung. Alexander Glück, der selber einem Hilfswerk für rumänische Kinderheime zugearbeitet hat, untersucht aber nicht nur die zweifelhafte Effektivität vieler Spendenorganisationen, sondern genauso kritisch und aufschlussreich die Motive der Spender selber. Es geht um Emotionen und Reflexe (die von den Organisationen oft manipuliert werden), es geht um gönnerhafte Gesten, mit denen ein schlechtes Gewissen erleichtert wird, es geht um selbsternannte Samariter, bei denen demonstriertes Mitleid allein der öffentlichen Imagepflege dient, und es geht um den Schaden, den selbstherrliches und falsch organisiertes Spenden bei den Adressaten, den Hilfsbedürftigen, anrichtet. Das bedeutet aber keineswegs eine grundsätzliche Ablehnung des Spendens. Die sehr differenzierte, scharf argumentierende und mit konkreten Beispielen illustrierte Kritik der gegenwärtigen Spendenpraxis mündet vielmehr in konkreten Vorschlägen: Was muss sich ändern, damit Spenden wieder Helfen bedeutet ... Aktuelle, brisante Fragen: Wofür spendet man? Was geschieht mit den Spenden, wie wirken sie? Wie funktionieren und wie animieren Spendenorganisationen? Welche Motive begleiten das Spenden?

      • Family & health
        July 2012

        My Boy - A memoir

        by Anthony James

        This little book tells of the sad but inspiring story and his addicted son coming together in the valley of the shadow of death.  There is poignancy, sadness but also love and redemption.  It is inspiring and will give hope and help to thousands who struggle with drug addiction in thier families.The book will give comfort to those who are experiencing loosing their loved ones.  You are not alone, the wonderful Hospice movement and the palliative care forces are there to hold you up and give you hope.

      • Family & relationships


        A compendium of positive parenting strategies

        by Laughton King

        Written with the busy parent in mind, this book is orientated to taking the head-on fight out of parenting, and is based on the author’s thirty years of clinical work with parents of young children. This book is written as a practical manual, has a simple, bite-size presentation and is free from the pages of theory that commonly restrict easy access to useful information. The book focuses on the small things parents do that make it difficult for children to comply and co-operate, and gives examples and illustrations of how we can easily work with our children to achieve happier households. Includes; Bedtime strategies, Behaviour management, Language of parenting, Toileting, Mealtime behaviour, Arguments, use of Praise and Humour, amongst other issues that can make parenting a lonely and difficult role.

      • Family & relationships
        July 2013


        A manual of strategies for teachers and parents

        by Laughton King

        This very practical and helpful manual focuses on the learning difficulties that come under the ‘umbrella’ notion of ‘Dyslexia’. The author examines why such difficulties are so common in our schools - right around the English-speaking world - and before giving parents and teachers insights as to how to work usefully with these children, demonstrates what the world is like from the inside for these children. He looks at how these children think, at how they understand the world, at the impact on their behaviour, and at what life is like for them – on the inside. He includes a biographical section based around his own personal experiences as a ‘dyslexic’ child. In clarifying the fundamental differences between linguistic and pictorial thinking styles, and the connection between learning difficulty and behaviour problems, this book opens the way for parents and teachers to reach, and therefore to effectively teach so-called reluctant learners.

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