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      • Trusted Partner
        August 2020

        Midnight Chronicles - Shadow Gaze

        by Iosivoni, Bianca

        Laura Kneidl and Bianca Iosivoni are SPIEGEL Bestseller authors and superstars of the German New Adult community. In MIDNIGHT CHRONICLES the authors transport their readers to a world in which a group of young hunters band together to fight evil – putting not only their lives at stake, but their hearts too.Roxy’s first meeting with Shaw couldn’t have come at a worse time for the young huntress. For Roxy is in search of her missing brother, who has been abducted by supernatural beings. She is also faced with the daunting task of catching the creatures she accidentally freed from the underworld a few months ago – all because she was betrayed by the person she trusted the most. If Roxy doesn’t manage to send all the creatures back within the time she was allowed, she will be sent to the underworld herself. The fact that she now also has to keep an eye on the mysterious Shaw, who has no memory of his past and thus risks jeopardising her mission, is far from ideal. And the same goes for the chemistry between them, which grows stronger and stronger the closer they become.Book 1 of a New Adult fantasy series from Bianca Iosivoni and Laura KneidlNew Adult fantasy – the new genre at LYX!Action-packed, exciting and sexy

      • Trusted Partner
        November 2017

        Das Winterbuch

        by Jansson, Tove

        Der Winter ist eine besondere Jahreszeit im Norden – eine Zeit, die Schnee, Eis und Kälte, aber auch Naturerlebnisse, Zurückgezogenheit und Muße mit sich bringt. Das WINTERBUCH spiegelt all dies wider und versammelt viele der beliebtesten Erzählungen der finnischen Autorin der MUMIN-Bücher.  Mit feinem Humor und einem guten Maß an Melancholie trägt das WINTERBUCH den Leser durch die dunkle Jahreszeit. Die Erzählungen zeichnen warmherzige Bilder vom Kindsein, vom Erwachsenwerden und von den Mühen und Freuden des Alters. Ein ganz besonderer Erzählband und ein großes Lesevergnügen.

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