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      • The Arts
        April 2020

        Il Giappone in controluce. Acquerelli, haiku e tanka: tre anime, un unico spirito

        by Floriana Porta

        Questo prezioso libro dedicato al Giappone raccoglie acquerelli, haiku (brevi componimenti di diciassette sillabe) e tanka (componimenti di trentuno sillabe): istantanee poetiche di grande fascino e suggestione, dove scritto e dipinto si fondono con originalità e ricercatezza. Le poesie sono caratterizzate da un linguaggio snudato ed essenziale, molto intenso ed evocativo, e concentrano l'attenzione sulla descrizione della natura e degli eventi umani direttamente collegati a essa. L'Autrice mette in dialogo antichissime forme poetiche giapponesi con la contemporaneità; ne consegue che tempi e luoghi molto distanti fra loro percorrano gli stessi ignoti sentieri, con un ritmo compositivo di grande equilibrio. Haiku e tanka - rigorosamente senza punteggiatura - sono accompagnati da dipinti realizzati dall'Autrice ad acquerello. Versi e pennellate si fondono armonicamente: la parola poetica permette di cogliere - in un solo sguardo - il rapporto immediato con le bellezze e le magie del Giappone, mentre la pittura concentra in sé tutti i poteri dell'incanto e del mondo che ci circonda.

      • The Arts
        February 2020

        Art & Scrap Book 4

        by Afrasiyab Khan

        The five-part Art & Scrap series is one of the best resources not only for the learning of basic artistic techniques and ideas but also to create a lifelong interest in the medium. The books also introduce the learners to various artists and their artwork. The books contain: Various artistic styles. Information on colour theory and palette recognition. Integrated learning across the books. Separate pages for scrap and other projects.

      • The Arts
        February 2020

        Art & Scrap Book 5

        by Afrasiyab Khan

        The five-part Art & Scrap series is one of the best resources not only for the learning of basic artistic techniques and ideas but also to create a lifelong interest in the medium. The books also introduce the learners to various artists and their artwork. The books contain: Various artistic styles. Information on colour theory and palette recognition. Integrated learning across the books. Separate pages for scrap and other projects.

      • The Arts
        February 2020

        Art & Scrap Book 1

        by Afrasiyab Khan

        The five-part Art & Scrap series is one of the best resources not only for the learning of basic artistic techniques and ideas but also to create a lifelong interest in the medium. The books also introduce the learners to various artists and their artwork. The books contain: Various artistic styles. Information on colour theory and palette recognition. Integrated learning across the books. Separate pages for scrap and other projects.

      • The Arts
        February 2020

        Art & Scrap Book 2

        by Afrasiyab Khan

        The five-part Art & Scrap series is one of the best resources not only for the learning of basic artistic techniques and ideas but also to create a lifelong interest in the medium. The books also introduce the learners to various artists and their artwork. The books contain: Various artistic styles. Information on colour theory and palette recognition. Integrated learning across the books. Separate pages for scrap and other projects.

      • The Arts
        February 2020

        Art & Scrap Book 3

        by Afrasiyab Khan

        The five-part Art & Scrap series is one of the best resources not only for the learning of basic artistic techniques and ideas but also to create a lifelong interest in the medium. The books also introduce the learners to various artists and their artwork. The books contain: Various artistic styles. Information on colour theory and palette recognition. Integrated learning across the books. Separate pages for scrap and other projects.

      • The Arts
        February 2020

        Craft and Scrap Book B

        by Wasim Malik

        A series  designed to support the cross-curricular area of pre-school. From activities designed to develop fine motor skills, colour concepts, shape awareness to simple cut out designs this book is a complete course for pre-school art and craft.

      • The Arts
        February 2020

        Craft and Scrap Book C

        by Wasim Malik

        A series  designed to support the cross-curricular area of pre-school. From activities designed to develop fine motor skills, colour concepts, shape awareness to simple cut out designs this book is a complete course for pre-school art and craft.

      • The Arts
        February 2020

        Craft and Scrap Book A

        by Wasim Malik

        A series  designed to support the cross-curricular area of pre-school. From activities designed to develop fine motor skills, colour concepts, shape awareness to simple cut out designs this book is a complete course for pre-school art and craft.

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