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Portraits of Anti-racist Alternative Routes to Teaching in the U.S. - Head Work

by Conra D. Gist


Portraits of Anti-racist Alternative Routes to Teaching in the U.S.: Framing Teacher Development for Community, Justice, and Visionaries portrays how a critical teacher development framework for Teachers of Color can be applied to alternative routes to teaching and professional development program initiatives to actualize commitments to communities, social justice and visionaries. The types of anti-racist structures, vehicles for justice, tailored and responsive preparation, and community-based partnerships and leadership identified by program initiatives provide a sketch of possibilities for school principals, policymakers, community organizers, teacher education programs, and district personnel to work together as key stakeholders to begin challenging and dismantling systems of oppression that restrict the recruitment and retention of Teachers of Color in schools. Portraits of Anti-racist Alternative Routes to Teaching in the U.S. compels us to stir up a radical imagination to strengthen communities, work for justice, and grow visionaries.
Portraits of Anti-racist Alternative Routes to Teaching in the U.S.

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