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        April 2021

        Ukraine's fateful years 2013–2019

        Vol. 1: The Maidan uprising in 2013/2014 Vol. 2: The annexation of Crimea and the war in Donbass

        by Winfried Schneider-Deters

        — Comprehensive and detailled analysis of the Euromaidan and the ongoing war in Ukraine — Brussels versus Moscow, Russian aggression and geopolitical interests — China's role in a new East-West conflict The years between 2013 and 2019 were almost as significant for Ukraine as the attainment of independence in 1991, as this very independence was in danger of being lost again after the Euromaidan. The nationwide popular uprising against the regime of President Yanukovych had led to a change of power: the former parliamentary opposition formed a new government, resulting in a loss of influence for Russia. Russian agents therefore tried to bring about a "Crimea scenario", another secession in the eastern and southern parts of Ukraine. The resulting "Ukraine conflict", often called a civil war, is in fact a Russian war of attrition against Ukraine. President Putin intends to resolve it on his terms in the Minsk process: through a de facto "autonomous" part of the Donbass in the Ukrainian state, independent of Kiev, as a lever for Russian political influence. Winfried Schneider- Deters, a renowned expert on Ukraine, analyses narratively and in detail the events from 2013 to 2019 and places the Russian- Ukrainian conflict in the context of the dawning "Chinese century".

      • Trusted Partner
        February 2016

        Schema Therapy for Patients with Aggressive Behavior

        by Neele Reiß, Friederike Vogel, Claudia Knörnschild

        After explaining the background of Schema Therapy as well as the individual schema modi, this manual outlines modus specific interventions for clients exhibiting aggressive behavior. With the help of examples from outpatient, inpatient, forensic, and correctional context, it explains the therapeutic procedures. The accompanying CD contains PDFs of all worksheets that are needed to complete the described therapy sessions. Target Group: psychotherapists, specialists in psychiatry and psychotherapy, specialists in psychosomatic medicine and psychotherapy, clinical psychologists, psychological coaches and counselors, students ans teachers of psychology, staff in psychiatric wards and hospitals, staff in correctional facilities.

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        Health & Personal Development

        Children with Behavioral Problems

        A Guide for Parents of Children with Rude, Angry, or Aggressive Behavior

        by Walter Matthys/ Christine Boersma

        Parents as well as those working with children can find themselves confronted with questions about children’s rude, angry, or downright aggressive behavior. This book seeks to inform parents, teachers, and other caregivers about behavioral issues, how to get to the bottom of the problem and evaluate whether external help should be sought. It provides practical tips that help reduce harmful behavior. This title can also be used in youth mental healthcare for psychoeducation.   Target Group: Parents, caregivers, teachers

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        Krav Maga: How to Defend Yourself against Physical Attack

        by Grandmaster Imi Sde-Or (Lichtenfeld) & Chief Instructor Eyal Yanilov

        Krav Maga, developed by Grandmaster Imi Sde-Or (Lichtenfeld) since the 1930s, was once a method of hand-to-hand combat strictly confined to security agents and members of the MOSSAD and elite IDF units. The method has been adapted for civilians so that anyone, of any age, sex, or physical ability, can utilize it. Based on natural reactions of the human body, the discipline is easy to learn and perform, and practical to use.  Krav Maga has rapidly gained in popularity and earned recognition by experts the world over. In the US, South America, Europe, Australia, and the Far East, this unique self-defense method has already been taught to and used by official law enforcement agencies, as well as many ordinary citizens.  Written by Imi Sde-Or and his senior disciple Eyal Yanilov as part of the Founder’s Series, Krav Maga: How to Defend Yourself Against Physical Attack is the first of two volumes presenting the key principles and training methods for unarmed combat. Laid out an accessible, step-by-step format, the book covers the basics, from safety in training, warm-up, stretching, and flexibility to principles of attacks, stances, and starting positions. The authors offer strategies for every imaginable scenario: defending punches and kicks, releases from chokes, headlock and nelson, grabs, punches, throws, and more. Also emphasizing the psychological underpinnings of the discipline, the book expands its usefulness with sections on mental training, vulnerable points, multiple attackers, and women’s self-defense.  About the Authors Eyal Yanilov began training in Krav Maga with Grandmaster Imi Sde-Or when he was 15. Yanilov was the first person to begin training Krav Maga instructors outside of Israel, and he has taught special units, the military, and civilians in over 18 countries. Grandmaster Imi Sde-Or, Founder of Krav Maga, passed away in 1998 at age 88. An English-language North-American edition has been scheduled for publication in Fall  2024. Each volume contains 240 pages, altogether 800-plus b/w photos & illustrations; 16.5 x 24 cm

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        Children's & YA
        January 2020

        On the Move

        by Art studio Agrafka (Authors), Art studio Agrafka (Illustrators)

        The universe is always on the move: Nothing in it remains completely at rest. Movement is natural: The Earth, the water on it, the atmosphere, the continents, and all living organisms exist in a state of constant motion. We walk, run, jump, crawl, swim, and fly. We travel. This book is about movement and travel—not only by people, but also that of animals, plants, the wind, water, and our planet. It describes journeys for the purpose of trade and commerce, journeys for the purpose of pleasure and repose or for survival, as well as scientific expeditions and pilgrimages. It’s about migrations, maps, navigation, and, finally, about finding your own path. Travellers often hear questions associated with "where" and "where from:" "Where are you going?", "Where are you from?" This book is a visual and intellectual expedition through thousands of years of movement, in search of answers to these as well as many other questions related to movement.       From 6 to 9 years, 2896 words Rightsholders: Ivan Fedechko,

      • Trusted Partner
        March 2022

        Tafiti und die Expedition zum Halbmondsee

        by Julia Boehme / Julia Ginsbach

        Tafiti and the Expedition to Half Moon Lake

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        January 2018

        The History of Nanjing Massacre

        by Edit by Zhang Jianjun,Zhang Sheng

        This book is a documentary work recording history of the Nanjing Massacre survivors. Through the testimony of the few still living survivors and a large number of detailed and meticulous historical archives, this book has fully restored scenes of daily life and stories of Nanjing citizens before and after the Nanjing Massacre. With complete and abundant details, it brings to light the profound disasters caused by Japanese aggression and atrocities.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2014

        Hunan-Birthplace Army History

        by Wang Dun

        This book is a breakthrough composition about Xiang Army history. The book, taking Xiang Army history as its core, gives a comprehensive analysis to the Xiang Army: from construction, expansion, to decline. Starting from the repression of peasant uprising in early stage to suppression of border unrest and to anti-aggression war in its later stage, the book affirms Xiang Army’s important historical positions. Furthermore, the well-knit structure, clear thread, comprehensive contents and accurate historical materials are also highlights of the book.

      • Trusted Partner
        December 2018

        Three-Kingdom Wars in the Space

        by Yang Peng

        Yang Peng's Award-winning Novels are a collection of the award-winning works of Yang Peng's many outstanding stories. Not only are the selected articles humorous, but also rich in imagination. They are also rich in profound educational philosophy that can enlighten the mind and help readers to reflect on themselves. The Black Heaven Empire launched a war of aggression against the Lingbo Empire. Although the Lingbo Empire fought bravely, the Black Heaven Empire’s attack was too fierce so the Lingbo Empire had been at a disadvantage. In desperation, Princess Longji could only go to the Crystal Empire for help. After joining the war, the Crystal Empire was also under heavy attack from the Dark Empire. At the critical moment of this war, the Super Warrior was born. The Lingbo Empire and the Crystal Empire jointly defended the enemy with the help of the Super Warrior, and finally defeated the Black Heaven Empire and maintained the interstellar peace.

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        Children's & YA
        January 2019

        The War and Little Veera

        by Julia Kosivchik (Author), Julia Kosivchik (Illustrator)

        The War and Little Veera  tells of the monster War, who brazenly interferes in the lives of children and feeds on their toys and laughter.  Nonetheless, little Veera still manages to defeat the horror. The monster War representes the events of Russia's military aggression in the eastern regions of Ukraine in 2014, and the book is full of optimism and confidence that light will always come after the darkness. To further celebrate young readers the book is full of interesting games and tasks. It is an ideal reading for children of preschool and primary school age.   From 5 to 8 years , 4841 words. Rightsholders:

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        July 2022

        Chronic Depression

        by Leuzinger-Bohleber, Marianne; Fischmann, Tamara; Beutel, Manfred E.

        Chronically depressed patients are often considered difficult to treat because the illness is often closely related to severe traumatic experiences. This manual focuses on traumatized, chronically depressed patients: it outlines both the disorder as well as its diagnostic approach and explains the basic assumptions of the psychoanalytic understanding of depression.  It explains the basic treatment steps in long-term psychoanalytic treatment of chronically depressed, early traumatized patients, and addresses specific challenges such as suicidality, aggression, and guilt. Basic therapeutic approaches and treatment principles are illustrated through specific case examples. The effectiveness of this manual has been demonstrated in a study of long-term therapies for chronic depression (the so-called LAC Depression Study). For:• psychoanalysts• psychotherapists working on the basis of depthpsychology• mental health professionals that provide psychotherapy• candidates for training in psychotherapy

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      • Trusted Partner
        January 2017


        Die Brutalisierung der modernen Welt

        by Hacker, Friedrich / Vorwort von Lorenz, Konrad

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        Lernfall Aggression.

        Wie sie entsteht - Wie sie zu vermindern ist. Theorie und Empirie aggressiven Verhaltens und seiner Alternativen.

        by Nolting, Hans P

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        Lernfall Aggression

        Wie sie entsteht - Wie sie zu vermindern ist. Ein Überblick mit Praxisschwerpunkt Alltag und Erziehung

        by Nolting, Hans P

      • Trusted Partner
        June 2002

        Sexuelle Aggression

        Verbreitungsgrad und Risikofaktoren bei Jugendlichen und jungen Erwachsenen

        by Krahé, Barbara; Scheinberger-Olwig, Renate

      • Trusted Partner
        July 2015

        Psychologie der Aggression

        Warum Ursachen und Auswege so vielfältig sind

        by Nolting, Hans-Peter

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