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      • Elain Publishing House

        Dr. Fatima Al-Boudi in brief Nationality: Egyptian. - She holds a Bachelor of Science, Department of Biochemistry, Alexandria University, in 1977. - Master of Biochemistry, Ain Shams University, 1985. - PhD in Biochemistry, Ain Shams University, 1990. - Holder of a diploma in criticism and art appreciation from the Academy of Arts in Cairo 1996. - Consultant medical analysis at the Faculty of Medicine, Ain Shams University. - Owner and director of “Dar Al-Ain Publishing” since 2000, and she founded one of the bookshops of the house in 2011 in Alexandria. - Director of the "Al Ain Cultural" salon. - She holds the 65th position out of 200 influential businesswomen in the Arab world. Al Ain Publishing House participated in many international book fairs. Al Ain Publishing House won many awards, including the Sheikh Zayed Prize, and reached the short list for the Booker Prize five times. - Dr. Fatima Al-Boudi in many cultural seminars at Arab International Exhibitions. - Member of the Egyptian Publishers Union. - Member of the Arab Publishers Union.

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      • Universidad de La Sabana

        The Universidad de La Sabana University Press publishes both printed and digital versions of all the books in its catalog.   Our books are the intellectual property of our teachers and researchers.   We share with you in this fair book series in peace, conflict, and professional gastronomy techniques, focused on Colombian gastronomy.   Check our online catalog

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      • Trusted Partner
        December 2023

        Hatred of Jews

        A never-ending story?

        by Sebastian Voigt

        — An overall presentation of the history of anti-Semitism based on the latest research — A necessary book that helps to recognise (and combat) anti-Jewish attitudes and patterns of behaviour even in the present day The Hamas attack on Israel is further aggravating the situation in the Middle East, and will continue to intensify anti-Semitism. And this plague, combined with Israel’s denied right to exist; the attacks in Brussels and Paris; the aggressive violence against everything Jewish in the Islamic world – is as dangerous as ever. Hatred of the Jews is old, vast and strong. The anamnesis began 2500 years ago in the Middle Ages, and came to head in the 18th and 19th centuries. It culminated ideologically in the Wannsee Conference, and became murderous in Auschwitz. Historian Sebastian Voigt provides a dense history of the hatred of the Jews – and combines it with a passionate call for courageous resistance.

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        January 1995

        In der Familie verwaist

        Behandlung affektiv gestörter Kinder

        by Siegel, Elaine V / Englisch Panske, Günter

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        June 2018

        Die allerbeste Prinzessin

        by Poznanski, Ursula / Illustrated by Büchner, SaBine

        An innovative & different princess story!   • The three princesses love to quarrel • Original and incredibly witty • Written by Ursula Poznanski and stunning illustrations by Sabine Büchner • Translation Grant!   Bianca, Violetta and Rosalind are three adorable princesses. But they share a tiny quirk: they love to argue! One day a visitor asks for entrance into the castle. Prince Waldomir doesn’t enjoy hunting dragons anymore and rather prefers to get married know. Of course each princess is convinced to be the best choice and the prince’s one and only. So a rat race is launched before they have even met the puny prince for the first time…

      • Trusted Partner

        Our Democracy in Danger

        Hatred and attacks against volunteers,journalists and politicians

        by Sabine Leutheusser-Schnarrenberger,Gunna Wendt

        We experience in our online world as well as in our ‘real lives’ an increase in slander and abuse, intimidation, hatred and even physical violence against individuals who are committed to our society. If such attacks discourage people from getting involved, this endangers our democracy that depends on participation. Lawyer Sabine Leutheusser-Schnarrenberger and the writer Gunna Wendt interviewed ten committed volunteers about the causes, circumstances and consequences of hatred and violence. These visceral portraits provide a telling insight into the dangers, while showing that we can and must counter the degradation of political rhetoric with composure, respect and tolerance – and with effective measures to protect those at risk.

      • Trusted Partner
        March 2016


        Ein Leben für Blüte, Duft und Dornen

        by Sabine Frank

        Immer schon war die Beziehung zwischen Rosen und Frauen eine besondere. Dabei war die »Königin der Blumen« lange Zeit kaum mehr als schmückendes Beiwerk. Doch die Frauen haben die Rose für sich selbst entdeckt – und Rosenliebhaberinnen aus aller Welt machten sich um sie verdient: Sie legten Rosengärten an, brachten neue Züchtungen hervor, beschäftigten sich mit Blütenformen und Düften, erhoben die Rosenmalerei zu hoher Kunst und widmeten sich ihr in Gedichten, Romanen und Briefen. Sabine Frank erzählt in diesem Band von leidenschaftlichen und entschlossenen Rosenliebhaberinnen und ihrem Leben für Blüten, Duft und Dornen. Über Gertrude Jekyll, Maria Sibylla Merian, Anne Vallayer-Coster, Kaiserin Auguste Viktoria, Louisette Meilland u. v. a. »Ein perfektes Geschenk für alle, die Rosen lieben, aber schon jedes erdenkliche Pflegebuch im Regal haben.« Börsenblatt

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      • Trusted Partner
        April 2008

        Auf den Spuren Nils Holgerssons durch Schweden

        by Sabine Schwieder, Wolfram Schwieder

        Selma Lagerlöfs Geschichte vom kleinen Nils Holgersson, der mit einem Schwarm Wildgänse durch Schweden zieht, fasziniert bis heute. Sabine und Wolfram Schwieder haben alle Schauplätze seiner Abenteuer besucht. Entstanden ist ein vergnügliches Reisebuch, ein Familienbuch, das Landschaft und Menschen, Traditionen und Entwicklungen des skandinavischen Landes auf einzigartige Weise erfahrbar macht. Ein Buch, das Lust macht, sich auf eine Reise in den Norden zu begeben, mit zahlreichen Fotos und Textzitaten aus Nils Holgersson sowie praktischen Hinweisen zu Übernachtungsmöglichkeiten und Veranstaltungstips.

      • Trusted Partner
        September 1999

        Der Stachel des Todes


        by Toshio Shimao, Wolfgang E. Schlecht, Sabine Mangold, Wolfgang E. Schlecht

        Sabine Mangold, geboren 1957, hat mehrere Jahre in Japan als Dozentin gearbeitet und zahlreiche literarische Werke aus dem Japanischen ins Deutsche übertragen. 2019 wurde sie mit dem Preis der Japan Foundation ausgezeichnet. Mangold lebt in Berlin.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2013

        My Life with Lifers

        by Elaine Leeder

        My Life With Lifers Lessons For A Teacher: Humanity Has No Bars "I have always been drawn to darkness," Elaine Leeder writes. "I know I always championed the underdog." As a sociology professor at Ithaca College in the 1990s, she began teaching at Elmira Correctional Facility in upstate New York. When she moved to California, that same desire to help led her to the prison education program at San Quentin. Then, inspired by her lessons, a group of Leeder's students approached her about working with a program the prisoners had established to aid in their long and difficult process of redemption and transformation. She accepted. These members of New Leaf on Life-the San Quentin "lifers"-have been sentenced to terms ranging from fifteen years to life in prison. Unlike Death Row inmates, who will either die in prison or be executed, many of the lifers are eligible for parole after having spent twenty to thirty years behind bars. But too often, they never see that opportunity because of the popular view that they are all "hardened criminals," killers incapable of rehabilitation and unfit to be free. What Leeder has learned, however, is that incarceration does not dictate character. Her students, although they are convicts, are committed to making their time in jail a life sentence in the best sense, not a death sentence. They have gone the extra mile to come to terms with their crimes, and have often managed to redeem their lives. My Life With Lifers shares the journey of a woman "on the outside" as she discovered the true nature of life in prison, and the roadblocks-so many of them unneeded-on the inmates' path to freedom. What Leeder's experiences add up to is both a fascinating human story and a reasoned and impassioned case for prison reform.

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