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        Children's & YA
        March 2022

        Der Wunderstürmer - Falsches Spiel beim großen Turnier (Band 7)

        by Ocke Bandixen

        The Ace Striker (Vol. 7) - Wrong Game at the Big Tournament Tim and his friends are going to the European Championship in France in their motor home. The Ace Striker has also traveled there with the Italian national team. In his luggage, Sergio Mavalli has his lucky charm Toto, a cheese made of cloth. Without him, Sergio can't score goals at tournaments. When Toto and the mascots of other players are suddenly stolen, the whole tournament is in danger! No one is lucky anymore... Tim's concentrated coaching knowledge is needed! He must give the star players self-confidence and at the same time chase after the thieves. The thieves turn out to be Sergio's old kicker cronies: they wanted to use the thefts to annoy the professional soccer players, who only seem to care about money. Due to Tim’s tracings, the situation is being resolved. Everyone gets their mascots back, the tournament can continue! World Champion Football Series for Kids - to be continued, and with different Spin-offs!

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        March 2011

        Christ Identity

        A Social-Scientific Reading of Philippians 2.5-11

        by Rosell Nebreda, Sergio

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        October 2008

        Erinnerungen an die Unterentwicklung


        by Edmundo Desnoes, Gisbert Haefs, Edmundo Desnoes

        »Alle, die mich geliebt und bis zur letzten Minute genervt haben, sind fort. Zuerst wollte ich abhauen, sobald ich die Alte geküßt hatte – Laura mochte mir nicht einmal die Hand geben –, aber dann beschloß ich, auf die Aussichtsterrasse zu gehen und bis zum Schluß zu bleiben. Das Flugzeug setzte sich träge in Bewegung und röhrte über die Piste; danach verlor es sich leise in der Luft.« So beginnt der wohl ungewöhnlichste Roman aus Kuba nach der Revolution: als Selbstbehauptung radikaler Einsamkeit. Der Erzähler Sergio ist nach Castros Sieg im Land geblieben, obwohl das Möbelgeschäft seiner Eltern enteignet wurde und die gesamte Familie die Insel in Richtung USA verlassen hat. Mit den Augen des Fremdgewordenen registriert er die Veränderungen bei sich und den anderen, und wie am lebenden Objekt seziert er seine Frauenbeziehungen. Edmundo Desnoes gelingt in diesen nur halbfiktiven Aufzeichnungen das Unerhörte: Ambivalenz, wo Standpunkt gefordert wird.

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        January 1989

        Beobachtende Vernunft

        Philosophie und Anthropologie in der Aufklärung

        by Moravia, Sergio / Italienisch Piras, Elisabeth

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        January 1992

        O sole mio

        Memorien eines Fremdenführers

        by Lambiase, Sergio / Italienisch Avril, Renato

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        August 2016

        Evidence-based Nursing and Caring

        by Johann Behrens, Gero Langer

        Evidence-based-nursing and caring, a method that relies on scientifically verifiable data from an outside perspective (“external evidence”) as well as the individual needs of those cared for as well as the caretakers (“internal evidence”). This title offers a detailed insight into external and internal evidence in nursing care and shows in a 6-step-approach how to • make shared decision • analyse and describe problems • find literature and relevant studies • critically evaluate nursing studies and their quality • change nursing practice and • evaluate nursing care.   Target Group: Nursing Students, Nurse Educators.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        October 2023

        The illusion of the Burgundian state

        by Élodie Lecuppre-Desjardin, Christopher Fletcher

        On 25 January 1474, Charles the Bold, duke of Burgundy, appeared before his subjects in Dijon. Robed in silk, gold and precious jewels and wearing a headpiece that gave the illusion of a crown, he made a speech in which he cryptically expressed his desire to become a king. Three years later, Charles was killed at the battle of Nancy, an event that plunged the Great Principality of Burgundy into chaos. This book, innovative and essential, not only explores Burgundian history and historiography but offers a complete synthesis about the nature of politics in this region, considered both from the north and the south. Focusing on political ideologies, a number of important issues are raised relating to the medieval state, the signification of the nation under the 'Ancien Regime', the role of warfare in the creation of political power and the impact of political loyalties in the exercise of government. In doing so, the book challenges a number of existing ideas about the Burgundian state.

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        Teaching, Language & Reference
        November 2023

        Pluriversal sovereignty and the state

        Imperial encounters in Sri Lanka

        by Ajay Parasram

        Presenting a case study of British colonial rule and its aftermath in Sri Lanka, this book explores the collision of competing ontologies in the making of the modern state system. It develops a decolonial theoretical framework informed by the idea of a 'pluriverse' to reveal the empirical and imperial avenues through which the idea of the modern/colonial state became normalised in Ceylon. The book contributes to three areas of scholarly discussion: the politics of ontology as related to sovereignty, postcolonial and decolonial international relations, and globalisation through the colonial encounter. It argues that in order to understand contemporary postcolonial crises rooted in territorial conflicts, we must first understand the historical and conceptual processes that depoliticised and universalised the norm of 'total territorial rule' rather than treating the modern state as a territorial and developmental inevitability.

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        April 2019

        Phaedrus, Fabeln

        explica! – binnendifferenzierte Lektüre zum Falten

        by Carsten Tell

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