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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        August 2021

        Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 97/1

        Religion in Britain, 1660–1900: Essays in Honour of Peter B. Nockles

        by William Gibson, Geordan Hammond

        This special issue of the Bulletin of the John Rylands Library is dedicated to Peter Nockles. An expert on the Oxford Movement and the religious history of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, Nockles was employed at the John Rylands Library from 1979 to 2016. During this time he extended his scholarly generosity and friendship to countless researchers. The issue features articles on a range of topics connected to Peter's scholarship and networks, including the Church of England (particularly High Churchmanship and the Oxford Movement), Catholicism, Methodism and Church-State conflict relating to the Church of Ireland.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        August 1998


        Reading popular fiction

        by Scott McCracken

        Pulp brings together in one volume chapters on the best seller, detective fiction, popular romance, science fiction and horror. It combines a lucid and accessible account of the cultural theories that have informed the study of popular fiction with detailed readings of Jackie Collins, Jilly Cooper, Colin Dexter, William Gibson, Stephen King, Iain Banks, Terry McMillan and Walter Mosley. Scott Mc Cracken argues that popular fiction serves a vital function: it provides us with the means to construct a workable sense of self in the face of the disorientating pressures of modernity. ;

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        January 2018

        Plant Ecology, Second Edition

        by J. Phil Gibson and Terri R. Gibson, Series Editor: William G. Hopkins

        Plants are the foundation of ecosystems. They convert energy from sunlight into carbohydrates, direct the cycling of nutrients, shape the hydrologic cycle, and influence weather. Many other ecologically important phenomena are the result of the interactions between plants, animals, fungi, and bacteria, and these natural processes reveal an amazing array of traits and strategies that have allowed plants to survive through the years. Plant Ecology, Second Edition explores these major ecological roles and dynamics of plants and their place in the environment. This reference is a vital tool for students and teachers of plant biology.

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        Business, Economics & Law
        February 2018

        Strategic Management in Tourism

        by Luiz Moutinho, Alfonso Vargas-Sánchez, Alejandro Pérez-Ferrant, Alfonso Vargas-Sánchez, Anne-Mette Hjalager, Brent W Ritchie, Dawn Gibson, Eduardo Parra-López, Geoff Southern, James Wilson, Jithendran Kokkamikal, José Alberto Martínez-González, Kanes Rajah, Kun-Huang Huarng, Larry Dwyer, Luiz Moutinho, María Moral-Moral, Mercedes Melchior-Navarro, Noel Scott, Rafael Alberto Pérez, Ronnie Ballantyne, S.F. Witt, Scott McCabe, Shirley Rate, Tiffany Hui-Kuang Yu, Vanessa Yanes-Estévez, Yawei Jiang, Yvette Reisinger

        This comprehensive textbook has, at its core, the importance of linking strategic thinking with action in the management of tourism. It provides an analytical evaluation of the most important global trends, as well as an analysis of the impact of crucial environmental issues and their implications. Fully updated throughout, this new edition: -Covers forecasting, functional management and strategic planning; -Includes extra chapters to incorporate a wider spread of important topics such as sustainability, authenticity and crisis management; -Contains pedagogical features throughout, such as learning objectives, questions and case studies to aid understanding Now in its third edition, and reviewing the major factors affecting international tourism management, this well-established student resource provides an essential overview of strategic management for students and professionals in the tourism sector.

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        Medical parasitology
        May 2002

        Keys to the Trematoda, Volume 1

        by Edited by David I Gibson, Arlene Jones, Rodney A Bray

        This book, in three volumes, presents a detailed revision of the systematics and taxonomy of the platyhelminth class Trematoda, subclasses Aspidogastrea and Digenea, with keys for the identification of these parasites at the superfamily, family, subfamily and generic levels.The trematodes are parasitic worms infecting all vertebrate groups and include families of significance to human and animal health, with considerable economic impact. Volume 1 covers the subclass Aspidogastrea and order Strigeida, while the second and third volumes will cover the orders Echinostomida and Plagiorchiida.

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        Parasitology (non-medical)
        October 2008

        Keys to the Trematoda - 3 part set

        by Edited by Rodney A Bray, David I Gibson, Arlene Jones.

        Buy all three volumes of Keys to the Trematoda for one special price.

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        Medical parasitology
        June 2005

        Keys to the Trematoda, Volume 2

        by Edited by Arlene Jones, Rodney A Bray, David I Gibson

        This is the second of three volumes of Keys to the Trematoda, a series on the systematics and identification of the Class Trematoda. The book presents the taxa in the Order Echinostomida and some of those in the Order Plagiorchiida, with keys for their identification at the superfamily, family, subfamily and generic levels. The keys are based on critical examination of specimens by subject experts, and generic diagnoses are accompanied by illustrations of important morphological characters. This volume includes seven echinostomidan superfamilies (the echinostomatoids, haploporoids, haplosplanchnoids, heronimoids, microscaphidioids, paramphistomatoids and pronocephaloids) and two plagiorchiidan superfamilies (the allocreadioids and lepocreadioids).The first volume covered the Subclass Aspidogastrea and Order Strigeida, while the third volume, due to be published in early 2006, will cover the remaining members of the Plagiorchiida.

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        August 2012


        by Isabel Allende

        'Hör mir zu, Paula, ich erzähle dir eine Geschichte, damit du nicht so verloren bist, wenn du wieder aufwachst.' Das Unfaßbare geschah im Dezember 1991, als lsabel Allendes Tochter Paula plötzlich schwer erkrankte und kurz darauf ins Koma fiel. Eine heimtückische Stoffwechselkrankheit hatte die lebensfrohe junge Frau jäh niedergeworfen, im Herbst 1992 starb sie. Das Schicksal ihrer Tochter wurde für lsabel Allende zur schwersten Prüfung ihres Lebens. Um die Hoffnung nicht zu verlieren, schrieb sie, der Tochter zur Erinnerung um sich selbst zur Tröstung, 'das Buch ihres Lebens – in doppelter Hinsieht' (Bayerischer Rundfunk), ihr persönlichstes und intimstes Buch 'eine Hymne auf das Leben' (stern)

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        October 2017

        Paula Modersohn-Becker / Otto Modersohn

        Der Briefwechsel

        by Antje Modersohn, Wolfgang Werner

        Als Paula Becker 1899 den wesentlich älteren Otto Modersohn kennenlernt, ist sie eine junge, ehrgeizige Künstlerin, die um jeden Preis malen will, er dagegen ist längst anerkannt, einer der Gründer der Künstlerkolonie in Worpswede und außerdem verheiratet. Trotz dieser Widrigkeiten ist die gegenseitige Anziehung unübersehbar, und ein Jahr später werden die beiden ein Paar. Schon die ersten Briefe, die sie während Paula Beckers Reisen nach Berlin und Paris wechseln, zeugen von der großen Zuneigung der beiden, aber auch von ihrer tiefen Verbundenheit im künstlerischen Schaffen. In den späteren Jahren dient der schriftliche Austausch immer wieder dazu, sich über Malerei und das Formulieren der künstlerischen Ziele auseinanderzusetzen. Und nicht zuletzt gibt es Anekdoten aus dem Worpsweder Freundeskreis zu erzählen, und Paula Becker berichtet amüsiert vom Ehevorbereitungskurs in Berlin. Der überraschende Fund eines Großteils der Briefe Otto Modersohns an Paula Modersohn-Becker, die lange Jahre als verschollen galten, macht es hier erstmals möglich, diesen lebendigen Austausch ausführlich zu beleuchten.

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        July 1974

        Die Legende von Paul und Paula


        by Ulrich Plenzdorf

        In der »Filmerzählung« (Plenzdorf) von Paul und Paula spielt sich alles so und nicht anders ab: Es braucht lange bis zur großen Liebe. Paul, persönlicher Referent in einer Außenhandelsbehörde, hat ein bildhübsches, doch nicht sehr gescheites Mädchen geheiratet. Paula, mit zwei Kindern von zwei Männern, arbeitet im Supermarkt und ist entschlossen, dem Werben des älteren Herren und Reifenhändlers nachzugeben – da begegnen sich Paul und Paula wieder, da geschieht's, in der Garage, da türmen sich die Komplikationen, bis alle Komplikationen der ganz großen Liebe und schließlich einer letzten Komplikation, Paulas Tod, Platz machen.

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        June 2004

        Reconsidering Gallipoli

        by Jenny Macleod

        The British cultural history of the Gallipoli campaign has been overlooked until now - this is a significant book as it offers the first real opportunity for this important campaign to be included in undergraduate courses on WWI. The commemoration of war is a particularly vibrant area of study - Anzac Day, commemorating the landings that began the Gallipoli campaign, is central to Australian national consciousness and this book examines why. A crucial argument in the cultural history of the First World War was sparked by Paul Fussell's contention that the war signified a profound cultural rupture; in widening the debate from the Western Front, this book supports the counter argument that romantic modes of expression retained resonance and utility. In Australia, the renewal of the story of Gallipoli by historians and film-makers (notably Peter Weir's 1981 film starring Mel Gibson) has profoundly altered the national sense of identity and society's perceptions of the armed forces; the authors explains how the writing of this particular event has developed and achieved this central position. An essential volume for those interested in British military and Australian history, postcolonialism and nation building, from academics and students through to the general reader.

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        March 2009

        Paula Modersohn-Becker

        Oder: Wenn die Kunst das Leben ist

        by Barbara Beuys

        Nur zwei Bilder hatte sie verkauft, als sie 1907, wenige Tage nach der Geburt ihrer Tochter, einer Embolie erlag. Paula Modersohn-Becker starb früh. Sie war gerade einunddreißig Jahre alt. Doch sie hinterließ mehr als tausend Zeichnungen und rund siebenhundert Gemälde. Zu Lebzeiten angefeindet, von der Nachwelt lange unterschätzt, wird sie jetzt neu entdeckt: als eine selbstbewußte Frau, die im Leben und in der Kunst zur Moderne gehört – nicht zuletzt dank der spannenden Bestseller-Biografie von Barbara Beuys.

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