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      • Beijing Publishing Group Ltd.

        Beijing Publishing Group (BPG) is a comprehensive publishing group with over 70 years of history. Currently, BPG boasts eight professional publishing houses, five magazines and twelve subsidiaries with over 900 employees. BPG has engaged in such fields as social sciences, literature, children’s book, popular science, public life, art, education, and has been releasing more than 3000 kinds of books, magazines, and audiovisual products on an average annual basis. We not only have built new media platforms like Weibo, WeChat and App, but also have launched audios, videos, e-books and other popular converging media products. The product line of digital reading with "Weibo, Wechat and client server" as the core has accumulated more than 4 million users.  Attaching great importance to international cultural exchanges and cooperation on publications, BPG has established a good partnership with publishers from over 50 countries and regions, including countries along "the Belt and Road", like Malaysia, Lebanon, Turkey, Euro-American countries such as America, Germany, Spain and France, as well as neighboring countries like Japan and Nepal. In recent years, there are more than 300 varieties of copyright trade per year. "A Taste of Beijing", a cultural brand activity, which is founded by BPG, has been held in countries and regions including New Zealand, Malaysia, Singapore, Hong Kong, Taiwan, the United Kingdom, Australia successively, displaying 10,000 kinds of books and pictures, and holding more than 50 cultural exchanges like dialogues between Chinese and foreign writers. BPG has set up "October Writer’s Residence Project", successively establishing residences in 10 cities at home and abroad. Chinese and overseas writers and translators are invited to live there for better writing experience and various literary exchange activities; BPG has also implemented “The Residency Plan for Foreign Translators”.

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      • Trusted Partner
        May 2020

        The Sea, the Sea, I Ask You-Liu Raomin's World of Nursery Rhymes

        by Sun Yunxiao, Liu Baoan, Cao Weihong

        Liu Raomin is a famous poet and nursery rhyme writer in Qingdao. His works have been selected by various elementary school Chinese textbooks many times. Such as "the sea, the sea, I ask you", "tick tick tick it rains", etc., are popular and enduring. But people remember these nursery rhymes, but often don't know the author of the nursery rhymes. Teacher Sun Yunxiao has a dream to recommend more poems by Mr. Liu Raomin to readers, so that everyone can learn more about poets and poetry stories. Thereby sublimating children's imagination and language ability. This book can also be read by adults who are still innocent.

      • Trusted Partner
        May 2018

        Secret Records of Huanggang County

        by He Dun

        The novel has portrayed the images of Liu Shengzhi, a grass-roots cadre of Chinese Communist Party with strong faith, and many other people via the fate of the Lius in Huanggang County of Hubei Province over the century since the Republican period. Through the description of these characters and the development of the plot, the novel has dug deep into the cultural customs and historical profundity of Huanggang County, and interpreted the patriotic and cultural reasons for Huanggang County being the hometown of many generals and top scorers of college entrance examination. Liu Shengzhi, Brother Shi, is stubborn and unwavering. He has hardly contacted with Brother Shiyi, the best friend in his teenage days, just because he believes that Shiyi has betrayed him. He regularlyremits money to his wife who is retired and gets no more salaries, but tells nothing to her, so as to keep his faith. In face of the storm, he risks his life to dive into water and open the valve of the reservoir. He is also the first to move without any conditions to make room for the construction of Nanmen Bridge. Besides, the novel has also attentively described many other characters such as Uncle Wang Lang. As a brave soldier who had once carried the explosive package to blow up the city gate, Uncle Wang indignantly blocks the car of some greedy official at the street corner of the cross street during the Spring Festival. All these vividly-depicted characters have fully demonstrated the firm faith and integrity of the revolutionists of the older generation.

      • Trusted Partner

        The Story of Liu Tianzuo

        by Shi Zhongshan

        The story takes place in the early 1980s. Liu Tianzuo has a talent for playing suona, so he was recruited into a certain art propaganda team. In the army, Liu Tianzuo's talent in playing attracted Fu Yao, a nurse in the medical department of the military department. The two fell in love, but after Fu Yao's mother objected and failed, Fu Yao also married others. A few years later, Tianzuo married before the reduction and demobilization of the army, and transferred to work in a company affiliated to the Foreign Trade Bureau. After that, he resigned and went to the sea to do feed business and earned his first pot of gold. The band was recalled and the performance was very popular. Later, a performance company was formed and became the "home of veterans" for demobilized soldiers. The business became more prosperous...

      • Trusted Partner
        April 2018

        Country Teachers

        by Liu Xinglong

        This is the collection of stories of Liu Xinglong, includingCountry Teachers, The Village Secretary, Recitation at Dusk, Going to Beijing with Tea-Leaf on a Shoulder Pole, Cabbage and Turnip, The Fake City and so forth. In these stories, Liu Xinglong mainly seeks human merits from ordinary people, speaks highly of nobleness of common people and portrays the ordinary-but-not-mediocre images. Due to these works, Liu Xinglong has been regarded as the representative writer of “new realistic novel”.

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA


        by Liu Haiqi

        The novel tells the story of the boy Liu Lixian who tried all ways to learn to swim. With humorous and witty words, it shows the vitality as well as special games and sports spirits that belongs only to one's childhood, and presents the strong self-identity built during one's growing up.   The story happened in Jinan, a City of Springs, where the author has been living for 58 years. Along with various children's games, the novel also portrays the rich and fresh details of life and folk customs of the city.

      • Trusted Partner
        Food & Drink

        Weekly Plan of Starting food

        by Liu Changwei

        This book is a complete guide to starting food. It’s written by Liu Changwei who is a professional children dietitian. Baby’s parents can find the answers to the almost all of the fundamental problems easily, especially the weekly plans of starting food. There are 215 baby food recipes which are accumulated by Docter Liu by more than one year .These recipes can meet the nutrient requirements of baby( more than 6 months’ old ). There also are more than two hundreds attractive illustrations. Parents can find the nutrient information of each recipes from the topics easily. Delicious energy –giving food recipes are specially prepared for the sick baby. With the help of these recipes, baby can reply from the disease quickly.

      • Trusted Partner

        Western Hunan Liu Kaiyun Pediatric Tuina

        by Peng Jin

        This book provides a comprehensive and accurate introduction of Liu Kaiyun's academic thoughts on pediatric tuina from several aspects, including the four methods of diagnosis, syndrome differentiation, acupoints, tuina techniques, and disease diagnosis and treatment. The book presents tuina treatment methods for more than 70 kinds of pediatric diseases, health care with tuina for children throughout the year, and health care tuina methods for common diseases. In addition, it contains digrams of more than 150 kinds of acupoints and techniques for pediatric tuina, accompanied by teaching videos and high-definition pictures, which facilitate readers' learning and practicing.

      • Trusted Partner

        The Messenger

        by Liu Liangcheng

        “A novelist is also a message deliverer, for writing is the art of delivering a message.”—Liu Liangcheng   Set in Pisha and Heile, two warring countries in the west without any official communication, this excellent fantastic fable centers on a story between Ku, a messenger and famous translator fluent in several languages and a donkey named Xie, which is said to be a message itself. Ku was asked to deliver the donkey Xie to his hostile country thousands of miles away, thus the two of them embarked on the journey. Together, they crossed battlefields and deserts, witnessing incredible happenings in life and death.Part fantasy and part philosophical puzzle, The Message Deliverer is a kaleidoscopic journey to the intersection of war, love, faith and power. Liu Liangcheng tiptoes the harmony between human and nature in this weird and wild novella, sticking to his writing concept of “everything has a spirit.”

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2011

        Romeo und Julia

        by William Shakespeare, Erich Fried, Werner Frizen, Detlef Klein

        Diese Ausgabe der »Suhrkamp BasisBibliothek - Arbeitstexte für Schule und Studium« bietet nicht nur William Shakespeares Liebesdrama 'Romeo und Julia' in der großartigen Übersetzung von Erich Fried, sondern auch zahlreiche Materialien: zum elisabethanischen Weltbild, zur Shakespeare-Bühne, zur Stoffgeschichte, zur Personenkonstellation, zur Chronologie des Dramas u.v.m. Ergänzt wird diese Edition durch einen Kommentar, der alle für das Verständnis des Stücks erforderlichen Informationen enthält: ein biographisches Porträt Shakespeares, Hinweise zum literarhistorischen, ästhetischen und zeitgeschichtlichen Hintergrund, einen Vergleich der deutschen Übertragungen von 'Romeo und Julia' sowie ausführliche Wort- und Sacherläuterungen.

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA

        I Want My Carving Knife

        by Liu Jianping

        This book collects nine short novels written by the famous writer—Liu Jianping. This book is based on the colorful and wonderful campus and outside life, and each short novel has different writing style, moving or humorous and lively, vivid or thoughtful. The Author makes the novel equip with strong readability and vivid feeling of reality. 《The Moment of Solitude》 is adapted into a TV show with the same name by Jiangsu TV Station.

      • Trusted Partner
        European history
        October 2013

        Popular science and public opinion in eighteenth-century France

        by Michael R. Lynn

        Now available in paperback, Michael R. Lynn's book analyses the popularisation of science in Enlightenment France. He examines the content of popular science, the methods of dissemination, the status of the popularisers and the audience, and the settings for dissemination and appropriation. Lynn introduces individuals like Jean-Antoine Nollet, who made a career out of applying electric shocks to people, and Perrin, who used his talented dog to lure customers to his physics show. He also examines scientifically oriented clubs like Jean-François Pilâtre de Rozier's Musée de Monsieur which provided locations for people interested in science. Phenomena such as divining rods, used to find water and ores as well as to solve crimes; and balloons, the most spectacular of all types of popular science, demonstrate how people made use of their new knowledge. Lynn's study provides a clearer understanding of the role played by science in the Republic of Letters and the participation of the general population in the formation of public opinion on scientific matters.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2002

        Tante Julia und der Kunstschreiber


        by Heidrun Adler, Mario Vargas Llosa

        Mario Vargas Llosa, geboren 1936 in Arequipa/Peru, studierte Geistes- und Rechtswissenschaften in Lima und Madrid. Bereits während seines Studiums schrieb er für verschiedene Zeitschriften und Zeitungen und veröffentlichte erste Erzählungen, ehe 1963 sein erster Roman Die Stadt und die Hunde erschien. Der peruanische Romanautor und Essayist ist stets als politischer Autor aufgetreten und ist damit auch weit über die Grenzen Perus hinaus sehr erfolgreich. Zu seinen wichtigsten Werken zählen Das grüne Haus, Das Fest des Ziegenbocks, Tante Julia und der Schreibkünstler und Das böse Mädchen. Vargas Llosa ist Ehrendoktor verschiedener amerikanischer und europäischer Universitäten und hielt Gastprofessuren unter anderem in Harvard, Princeton und Oxford. 1990 bewarb er sich als Kandidat der oppositionellen Frente Democrático (FREDEMO) bei den peruanischen Präsidentschaftswahlen und unterlag in der Stichwahl. Daraufhin zog er sich aus der aktiven Politik zurück. Neben zahlreichen anderen Auszeichnungen erhielt er 1996 den Friedenspreis des Deutschen Buchhandels und 2010 den Nobelpreis für Literatur. Heute lebt Mario Vargas Llosa in Madrid und Lima.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2021

        Recollection pf Journey to the West

        by Liu Zaifu

        In the field of Chinese classical literature research, Mr. Liu Zaifu devoted himself to studying "Journey to the West" after the "Four Books of the Red Chamber" and "Criticism of Double Classics: A Cultural Criticism of "Water Margin" and "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms", and will spend many years in August 2018. Comprehend the cost book. This book is composed of 300 comprehensions, which not only appraise the things and plots of western tourists vertically, but also observe the four masterpieces horizontally, vividly presenting a cultural scholar's reading style, academic approach and aesthetic appeal.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2021

        Liu Xiyan's Interpretation of the Dream of the Red Chamber

        by Liu Yanxi

        Dream of the Red Chamber, formerly known as The Stone Records, is a documentary-style account of traditional Chinese culture and life. The Dream of the Red Chamber is a rare first-hand source of information for national studies. This book is an all-round interpretation of The Dream of the Red Chamber in the light of traditional Chinese cultural thought, aiming to use the interpretation of The Dream of the Red Chamber to talk about all aspects of Chinese studies, so as to see the true face of the ancients and their real efforts. It is particularly meaningful at a time when traditional Chinese culture is being revived in its entirety, and this great work is being reinterpreted.

      • Trusted Partner

        The Analects for Children

        by Liu Yaohui

        The Analects for Children, written by renowned scholar Liu Yaohui, is a popular book for children to understand The Analects. Selecting historical figures from The Analects and combining the relative records in Records of the Grand Historian, Zuo Zhuan, and The Sayings of Confucius and His Disciples to Tell, the book presents the life experiences, thoughts, and spirits of Confucius and his disciples. It vividly showcases the essence of thoughts in The Analects and leads young readers to better appreciate the personal charm and profound thinking of sages. The book introduces profound academic knowledge with legible words, offering young readers an interesting and intriguing reading experience.

      • Trusted Partner
        June 2021

        Twelve Lectures on Modernist Literature

        by Liu Qinghua

        "Twelve Lectures on Modernist Literature" is a review and appreciation of the main modernist literary schools in the 20th century made by the literary critic Liu Qinghua. This book outlines the formation, development, ideological origins, theoretical foundations, and ideological and artistic characteristics of modernist literature. It is divided into eleven topics, respectively, on symbolism, stream of consciousness novels, futurism, expressionism, and surrealism. , Existentialism, Beat Generation and other genres have done systematic research and exposition, and at the same time analyzed and commented on representative writers and works of each genre. For literature lovers and researchers at home and abroad, this book is a rare desk book.

      • Trusted Partner

        Valiant Young Soldiers

        by Liu Haiqi

        “You should spend the rest of your life relying on yourself.” With a few words before his father’s death, Liu Lixian, the 16-year-old new soldier, embarks on his own life journey. Like a piece of pig iron, he integrates himself into the melting pot of the military, together with other recruits with different personalities. They have been forged and shaped by fierce flames, cleaned of impurities, and enriched with the necessary elements to finally become hard and good steels. This book depicts the growth story of a group of new recruits in a company in the 1970s from a unique perspective and with lively language, which creates vivid characters and honestly and accurately presents to readers the growth of teenagers in a unique environment.

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA

        You are Seven Years Old This Year

        by Liu Jianping

        Seven years old is undoubtedly a turning point in the growing journey. They are about to step into an ocean of knowledge after leaving the pool of  fun—Kindergarten. They are about to be on their own after freeing from their teachers’ and  parents’ protection. What adventure will the children get into? What strange ideas will the children burst in their little mind? What about the parents after their children go to the primary school? This book is a long documentary novel and it was written by Liu Jianping when his son was seven years old. This book depicts the dawn of every morning and leaving and returning of his sone. This book was once adapted into a four-episode TV show-《The Great Bangbang》by Nanjing TV Station and it won “Feitian Award”

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