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      • Echo

        Echo is a quality Australian publisher of books for adults. Echo's interests and fascinations include resilience, the effects of time, Australian landscapes, the dark underbelly of human societies, and the beauty that gives us a reason to celebrate.

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      • Editora Hercules

        A brazilian publishing house focused on selfhelp literature, esoterism and masonry and children's books. Our mission is to offer through words moments of unwinding and tranquility attached to a philosophical and esoteric learning experience. In this special edition of the Frankfurt Book Fair we will be displaying our new releases in the children's literature section, such as The Dreamy Dragon and The crystal Egg, by the brazillian actress and writer Norma Blum.

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      • Trusted Partner
        June 2023

        Echo der Gewalt

        Thriller | Eine Elite-Attentäterin auf Rachefeldzug

        by Yasmin Angoe, Thomas Wörtche

        Nena Knight, die als Kind aus ihrem ghanaischen Dorf entführt wurde, hat viele Motive zu töten. Jetzt, da sie Elite-Attentäterin für das mächtige Geschäftssyndikat namens The Tribe ist, bekommt sie jede Menge Gelegenheiten dazu. Und Nena, Codename Echo, ist effektiv, loyal und absolut tödlich. Doch als sie in Miami einen Bundesstaatsanwalt eliminieren soll, um einem neuen Mitglied von The Tribe einen Gefallen zu tun, widersetzt sie sich erstmals den Befehlen dieser Geheimorganisation. Denn sie erkennt, dass es sich bei diesem Gangster, der The Tribe beigetreten ist, um denselben Mann handelt, der ihr Dorf zerstören, die Bewohner massakrieren und sie in die Sexsklaverei verkaufen ließ. Nena kann der Versuchung der Rache nicht widerstehen ‒ und sie will es auch gar nicht. Sie muss nun alles einsetzen, was sie war und was sie ist, um ihn zur Strecke zu bringen ...

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        Crime & mystery

        Echo of Someone Else’s War

        by Juan Miramar

        The works of Juan Miramar presented in this book, as always, are distinguished by refined language, subtle humor and a peculiar philosophical view of life, as well as a bright oriental flavor. The story "Echo of Someone Else’s War" impresses with its fascinating dynamic plot. A scientist and writer, a former translator of international peacekeeping forces, suddenly finds himself in the thick of events of a modern secret war. The distant past extends its tentacles into the present, not only forcing the main character to remember his military experience, but also prompting him to choose a side in Arab and non-Arab conflicts that are foreign to him.

      • Trusted Partner
        March 2009

        Hero und Leander

        by Musaios, Marion Giebel, Marion Giebel

        Hero, von den Eltern zur Priesterin bestimmt, lebt allein in Sestos am nördlichen Ufer der Dardanellen. Im gegenüberliegenden Abydos stürzt sich auf der asiatischen Seite Leander allnächtlich in die Fluten, um, geleitet von der Öllampe, die Hero ins Fenster ihres Wohnturms stellt, zu ihr zu gelangen – bis eines Nachts im Sturm die Flamme verlischt. Die Sage von den zwei Königskindern, die zusammen nicht kommen können, weil das Wasser viel zu tief ist, hat schon Ovid gestaltet, ihre vollendete Fassung, auf die sich auch Bearbeiter wie Schiller und Grillparzer beziehen, findet sich aber in dem Versepos des Musaios, der um 500 nach Christus lebte. In der neuen, eleganten Prosaübertragung von Marion Giebel wird dieser anrührende Text, mit bildnerischen Darstellungen des Mythos aus verschiedenen Zeiten sowie einem die geschichtlichen Zusammenhänge erläuternden Nachwort versehen, wieder auf deutsch zugänglich gemacht.

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        Hero Qin Qiong of Tang Dynasty

        by Mutiple Authors

        Hero Qin Qiong of Tang Dynasty This book has narrated the stories of Qin Qiong, a hero of early Tang dynasty, in the form of comic strips.

      • Trusted Partner
        December 2020

        Teddy's War

        by Donald Willerton

        To Elias Gunnarson, his dad, Teddy, was part of “the greatest generation,” a man who fought valiantly in World War II, was honorably discharged, married his high school sweetheart, and lived happily ever after. Right? Wrong! The truth, he finds, lies shrouded in an intricately complex web baring only superficial resemblance to the terrible reality lived by those who battled from the sands of Omaha Beach to the horrors of Dachau. As letters, videos, stories, and memories unfold the true tale of Teddy's war, Elias learns that the lives of his mother, his father, and his father's brother, Jake, were not what they seemed, and that dying a hero does not absolve a person from the sins of his past.

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2020

        Song of Heroes

        by Nie Mao

        Song of Heroes is an ode dedicated to heroes. It consists of seven movements, adorned with starting tune, overture, ending tune and after sound. It is in the form of symphonic poems, dedicated to an integration of being epic, lyrical, realistic and vanguard. With lofty beliefs, the poet started writing from Mao Anying's heroic deeds, using time, space, characters, and events as a narrative line to extol a large number of evocative heroes and heroic deeds moving forward in adversity. Not only did the author write about the hero representatives of various important periods, such as Zhao Yiman, Zhao Dengyu, and Xia Minghan, but also wrote about some hero groups, such as the five heroes of the Langya Mountain, the two bombs and one star hero group, and the space hero group. This majestic ode to heroes is tenacious and tragic. It expresses the immortal historical feats made by the heroes for the Chinese revolution, China's construction and the Chinese people. It helps children understand historical heroes by reading poetry, feels the heroic deeds and inspires them with national pride and cultural self-confidence.

      • Trusted Partner
        Biography & True Stories
        June 2017

        Questions beside the Xiangjiang River

        Reflections of Chinese Revolutionaries and Heroes

        by Zhang Zhichu, Chen Xianchun

        This book mainly introduces alarming questions issued by the revolutionaries or heroes such as Mao Zedong, Liu Shaoqi, Ren Bishi, Hu Yaobang, Zhu Rongji, Hua Guofeng, Peng Dehuai, Lei Feng, etc. beside the Xiangjiang River. The questions are the reflections about the universe and the country, the society and the people, which shows their love for the people, courage to assume, and pursuit of truth. The book uses "questions" as clues to further talk about stories in detail of these revolutionaries and heroes in terms of how to answer the questions they raised, and that how they struggled to find answers in their life.

      • Trusted Partner
        Business, Economics & Law
        November 2020

        Tourism in Development: Reflective Essays

        by Peter U C Dieke, Brian E M King, Richard Sharpley, Ali Thompson

        This book: - comprises reflective essays written by internationally-ranked scholars and tourism consultants with extensive experience, particularly in the developing world countries - considers extant themes, issues and challenges related to tourism and development - offers a critical and contemporary perspective on tourism's significance and role in development.

      • Trusted Partner
        November 2011



        by McDevitt, Jack

      • Trusted Partner
        December 2015



        by Christophersen, Jan

      • Trusted Partner
        December 2016

        Echo Boy

        by Haig, Matt

      • Trusted Partner
        August 2015

        Blutiges Echo


        by Joe R. Lansdale, Heide Franck

        Zuerst die Geräuschexplosion. Dann das gleißende Licht. Dann die Hitze. Harry Wilkes ist kein normaler Junge. Immer dann, wenn er an den Ort eines Verbrechens gelangt, geschieht es: der Lärm, das Licht, die Wärme. Und die unerträglichen Bilder der Gewalt. Harry kann seit einer Krankheit im Kindesalter sehen, wie Morde verübt wurden, doch anstatt seine Gabe zu nutzen, empfindet er sie als Fluch. Denn um die Schreckensszenarien aus seinem Gedächtnis zu verbannen, betäubt er sich mit Alkohol. Eines Tages taucht Harrys Jugendschwarm Kayla auf und bittet ihn, mithilfe seines besonderen Talents den Mord an ihrem Vater aufzuklären. Harrys Schicksal scheint sich zu wenden … Ein unheimlicher Thriller, die bewegende Geschichte einer geplagten Seele und ein weiteres literarisches Meisterstück im facettenreichen Werk von Joe R. Lansdale, der auch hier wieder alle Genregrenzen sprengt.

      • Trusted Partner
        April 2000

        Brubecks Echo


        by Wolfgang Stauch

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      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        December 2012

        Echo des Blutes

        Thriller. Balzano & Byrne, Bd. 5

        by Montanari, Richard / Übersetzt von Meddekis, Karin

      • Trusted Partner

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