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      • Children's & YA
        July 2020

        Il Riccio Viola che sognava il mare

        by Indira Yakovenko

        Un riccio viola che vive in un bosco, con i suoi soliti odori e suoni, ha un sogno: vedere il mare. Inizia, così, un percorso avventuroso verso la sua realizzazione, durante il quale troverà nuovi amici - una farfalla, un topolino, una lucciola, una bambina e perfino un castagno -, incontrerà pericoli e farà molte scoperte. E quando il sogno si realizzerà, più desiderabile sarà il suo ritorno a casa.


        by Sergio Bambaren

        Per anni, Sergio Bambarén ha girato il mondo in cerca di una serenità all'apparenza irraggiungibile, spinto dal vento irrequieto del suo animo. Poi, proprio quando crede di aver finalmente conquistato l'equilibrio da sempre desiderato, ecco che arriva un figlio a sconvolgere ogni sua certezza. Solo stringendo tra le braccia il piccolo Daniel per la prima volta, Sergio si rende conto di non aver mai nemmeno immaginato le straordinarie implicazioni della paternità. Sopraffatto dalle emozioni, decide di prendere carta e penna per scrivere una lunga lettera al figlio. Una lettera in cui possano trovare sfogo tutte le parole che gli affollano la mente. Così, Sergio si mette completamente a nudo, raccontando pagine della sua esistenza che non ha mai condiviso con nessuno. Parla della sua infanzia in Perù, del primo amore, della passione per il mare. Svela i suoi sogni più intimi, le ambizioni più nascoste, le speranze più segrete. Ma non solo. Con lucidità e onestà, rievoca le paure, gli errori, le debolezze e le lezioni imparate a caro prezzo sulla propria pelle. Rimanendo fedele allo stile semplice e poetico che lo ha reso celebre, l'autore de "Il delfino" parla per la prima volta della meravigliosa esperienza che gli ha cambiato la vita, regalandoci un messaggio d'amore intenso e dolcissimo, che va dritto al cuore.


        by Sergio Bambaren

        «Per chi non la conoscesse già, vorrei presentare la protagonista di questa storia. Chiqui è una piccola volpe che è entrata nella mia vita quando decisi di lasciarmi alle spalle i ritmi frenetici di una società che sentivo sempre più estranea. Quando vivi seguendo i tuoi sogni, il tempo vola e io ancora stento a credere che siano già trascorsi tre anni da quando Chiqui è entrata nella mia vita e nel mio cuore. Questo breve racconto è un tributo alla piccola volpe che ho avuto il privilegio di conoscere e che ha contribuito a rendere incredibili questi tre anni nella Casa di Luce. La forza con la quale affronta le avversità è stata una lezione preziosa, ma, cosa più importante, Chiqui mi ha permesso di condividere il suo mondo, i suoi amici, e quello che ho imparato seguendola e scoprendo ciò che lei conosceva, e io ignoravo, mi ha dato la spinta per imbarcarmi in una nuova, grande avventura: dedicare tutte le mie energie a difendere chi non può farlo da solo e a diffondere tra i miei simili la consapevolezza del danno che stiamo arrecando alla nostra casa comune, la Terra. Spero davvero che anche voi, cari amici, possiate apprendere da lei come ho fatto io, e impegnarvi in prima persona per cambiare le cose.» (Sergio Bambarén)

      • Children's & YA
        April 2022

        Sogni in Briciole

        by Francesco Spada

        Jake is a small-town boy from the U.S. He has a beautiful voice and a dream: to enroll at the Juilliard School in New York, a temple of music from which complete performers emerge. Although his family is skeptical, Jake is supported by his childhood friends, among whom there is Stella, the girl he has always loved. But something changes from the day Jake passes the auditions for the "To be a Star!" talent show. His relationship with Stella evolves, and Jake's group is introduced to the mysterious and disturbing Daniel, another contestant on the show. Who really is Daniel Adler? A demon with an angel's voice or a fragile and somewhat bizarre artist? Accompanied by the cathartic power of music, along with lyrics studded with emotional songs, Jake will discover the price of growing up through a toxic and destructive friendship, the trials a love must go through to become mature, and the defeat that leads to ultimate victory.

      • March 2021


        Azzurra e la sua sorprendente avventura


        How can you match dreams and thieves? What a stunning adventure you’re going through by can guess from the title. The story was inspired by the drams of our young generations, which the writer captures and transforms into fantastic scenarios and plot twists from her observatory  of woman, wife, mother and teacher.  Thanks to her skilled writing she is able to consider the importance of young people's dreams and show even how daydreams can become reality. We are living in times without reference points nor certainty, in a society that tends to offer stereotypes and superficial ways of living to the new generations: in this context the author needed to create a story about beautiful dreams, hopeful and full of expectations to build the future.The story is also about... thieves! Because dreams are being threatened to get lost as well as hope is to disappear: dreams are mostly confused with false myths and a craving for getting everything fast, so that young people can’t learn to be patient and to wait for dreams to come true. That’s why the protagonists of this imaginary story are dreams and characters - all of them original, bizarre and courageous - are involved to catch a thief in a thrilling action.

      • Little Masterpieces for Kids

        by Elisa Delucchi, Laura Tavazzi

        An illustrated series aiming to adapt the great children’s literature masterpieces for the youngest. Each title will focus and develop a main theme that the little children will understand also through some in-depth worksheets. These additional pages will help them with the text comprehension and will develop their logical-mathematical intuition and creative-spatial abilities.

      • Farfariel - The book of Micù

        by Pietro Albì

        Farfariel is a weird bildungsroman for young adults, somehow reminiscing of The Never Ending Story by Michael Ende. Micù is a preadolescent with physical disability born before World War II in the poor but magical atmos-phere of rural southern Italy. He is trying to grow up despite his own difficulties, the tragicomic inhabitants of the village and a spiteful demon who has the power to interfere with the story and its writer... In fact Far-fariel, unhappy about the way the writer is telling the story, edit and correct the book with his red pen!


        by LODOVICA CIMA

        e Creation, Adam and Eve, Noah and the Ark, Moses and thht from Egypt, David and Goliath, the wisdom of Solomon, the birth of Jesus, the parables and miracles of the Gospels, the Lord’s Prayer... an accurate and masterfully narrated selection of 60 among the most beautiful stories of the Old and New Testaments, signed by Lodovica Cima.

      • Children's & YA

        Heroes Atlas

        by Miralda Colombo

        One hundred and one inspiring stories of the notable men and women who shaped the world with their ideas, their genius, their creativity or courage. From super scientists to clued-up creatives, from writers to dreamers, these profiles explore the life of each personality in detail, with gorgeous illustrations. This educational book includes worldwide famous figures, as well as lesser-known personalities, but all very inspiring for children.

      • Children's & YA

        Il mare dappertutto

        by Nadia Terranova

        On a grey rainy day, a little girl sets off for school, the dreams of the night still stuck in her head... And there, in the puddles she glimpses whales, dolphins, galleons, even a few mermaids. And a pirate, embraced by a gentle-looking girl who carries with her a story both ancient and familiar.

      • Children's & YA


        by Altan

        A brand new series of feelings books where the red-spotted dog, Pimpa, experiences different emotions - Anger, Fear, Sadness and Happiness. On each book a different special element to interact with (glow in the dark, glitter, foil...)

      • Children's & YA

        Mummy has a Baby in her Tummy

        by Luana Vergari, Simona Ciraolo

        Mummy has a baby in her tummy... She says it’s a girl and her name’s Amelia. At first she won’t be able to walk while I can already go wherever I want. Let’s hope Amelia is as nice as my dog Ugo, who’s really a funny chap… However, when I think about it, that does not sound too good…

      • Made in Italy

        treasures, ingredients and traditional recipes

        by Marino Marini

        A book dedicated to all that is typical of Italian gastronomy, with particular attention given to the concept of excellence: Italian delicacies, places and flavours, and above all, 150 of the best traditional recipes. The book is grouped into 10 geographic areas: for each, we present the most representative dishes, the best typical products and producers of excellence, as well as a selection of eateries and restaurants, which are often outside the “official” circuit but always characterized by great quality. A masterpiece that is a must-have for the bookcase of every gourmand, tourist and simple food-enthusiasts.

      • Children's & YA

        Come ali di gabbiano

        by Lorenza Farina, Anna Pedron (illustrator)

        One day Anne Frank meets a friend dressed in a red and white plaid dress. It is love at first sight. Anna confides to him what will happen to her in the two years of forced segregation lived in the secret quarters to escape the Nazi raids. He will be of great comfort to her, he knows how to dry her tears and keep her secrets. He will fly high as a seagull over all forms of violence, making the world aware of the message of peace that his young friend has engraved on his white wings. Anna is certain that no one will ever tear those wings and the words that are written on them. This desire will come true, making it a symbol of the Shoah and of a humanity trampled and vilified, thanks to her living witness today more than ever. To those who have not yet read the famous Diary, this story in images and words is an invitation to learn more through a new original point of view.

      • Foglie sparse

        by Alessandra Jatta

        The October Revolution described through the incredulous eyes of a noble Moscow woman who sees her whole world collapsing in an instant. And her determination to try to save at least her family and her dignity in the midst of the disaster. Alessandra Jatta gives us an unusual perspective on some of the most dramatic moments in Russian history over the last century, revealing the thoughts and concerns of an entire social class at the moment of its decline. A true story, in which the use of photos, excerpts from diaries and documents belonging to the author’s direct ancestors adds value to a narrative that will leave you breathless.


        freedom stories for boys and girls chasing big dreams


        An engaging collection of biographies of present-day heroes: women and men who stand out for struggling for love and freedomFrom Rudol’f Nureev to Tiziano Ferro, from Christian Andersen to Keith Haring, a collection of 12 biographies of famous people who have distinguished themselves in thht against sexual and gender discriminatioe computer was invented by Alan Turing; Darla, a famous character from the cartoon Nemo, owes its name to the Pixar producer who invented it; the captain of the American national football team that won the women’s World Cup is Megan Rapinoe, who with her charisma has enchanted men and women all over the world. If recently the editorial proposal on the LGBTQ theme has focused on “coming out”, this book - through compelling stories of courage - conveys a message completely indipendent from the sexual orientation of the reader, and focuses on the exemplarity of the actions that make these personalities prominent and true examples for future generations.

      • 2020

        Sherlock, Lupin & I

        Last Dance, Mr Holmes

        by Irene M. Adler

        London, 1919 - It’s been fifty years since Sherlock and Lupin last solved a case together. Irene Adler has come back to track down her once inseparable friends, now a great detective and the other a gentleman thief. Irene and her adoptive daughter Mila will bring the trio back together into a world of thrills, intrigue, and breakneck chases.

      • Tantalum's rule

        by Claudio Forti

        Una luce penetrante. Un uomo confuso recuperato dalla polizia. E tante, troppe cornacchie.  Norman Barclay è un dirigente di successo, uso a tutti gli agi di New York, ma da quattro anni non dorme più. Le sue notti sono devastate dal ricordo ancora vivido di quella luce e alleviate solo dalle inebrianti prostitute di Madame Trilly. L’improbabile equilibrio è rotto da un uomo grigio e misterioso: John Smith. Così anonimo da non lasciare alcuna traccia di sé, se non un enigmatico biglietto da visita: ‘Professor Jeremy Kalwinsky, psicopatologo della memoria’.  Sarà un secondo biglietto, lascito di una coinvolgente notte d’amore, a spingere Norman a cercare l’aiuto di Kalwinsky per sbarazzarsi dei ricordi che lo tormentano. Insieme al sollievo dell’oblio arriverà però una inattesa discesa negli inferi dei dimenticati. Qui Barclay scoprirà una grigia verità ben più inquietante dei ricordi...

      • Fiction

        I am Nirvana. The story of Kurt Cobain

        by Andrea Biscaro

        Kurt è la rock star più famosa del pianeta. Ha appena ventisette anni, ma ha già vissuto tutto. Adesso è solo, lontano dai riflettori e dai palchi, senza amici, senza più voglia di scrivere e di suonare, blindato tra le pareti dorate della sua reggia di Seattle.  Nella detonazione dello sparo Kurt rivive tutta la sua vita: l'infanzia ad Aberdeen, i locali, la nascita dei Nirvana, il primo contratto con la Sub Pop, la droga, il successo planetario e improvviso di Nevermind, il grunge, l'amore disperato per Courtney Love, la dipendenza dall'eroina, le tournée mondiali, la nascita di Frances Bean, In Utero, il policlinico di Roma, le disintossicazioni, Unplugged in New York. Fino a quel maledetto fucile Remington... A fargli immancabile compagnia è la voce di quell’amico misterioso al cui abbraccio mortale non saprà sfuggire.

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