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      • Editorial Milenio

        Editorial Milenio was created in 1996. I has edited about 700 works organised in twenty collections. The objective is a commitment to quality and the creation of an editorial catalogue with its own identity to reach a readership as wide as possible.

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        Dedicated to transferring, both to the scientific community and to society as a whole, all the knowledge generated by the International Center for Research in the Spanish Language around the origins and history of Spanish and its literature.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        September 2020

        Manliness in Britain, 1760–1900

        Bodies, emotion, and material culture

        by Joanne Begiato

        This book offers an innovative account of manliness in Britain between 1760 and 1900. Using diverse textual, visual and material culture sources, it shows that masculinities were produced and disseminated through men's bodies -often working-class ones - and the emotions and material culture associated with them. The book analyses idealised men who stimulated desire and admiration, including virile boxers, soldiers, sailors and blacksmiths, brave firemen and noble industrial workers. It also investigates unmanly men, such as drunkards, wife-beaters and masturbators, who elicited disgust and aversion. Unusually, Manliness in Britain runs from the eras of feeling, revolution and reform to those of militarism, imperialism, representative democracy and mass media, periods often dealt with separately by historians of masculinities.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        July 2024

        Coup in Damascus

        Husni al-Za'im and the birth of Syrian military rule

        by Carl Rihan

        Coup in Damascus is a history of Syria's first military regime. It plots the the fall of Syria's democracy and the rise of its military rulers, particularly Husni al-Zaim, whose brief rule in 1949 represented a profoundly transformative moment for the Syrian nation. It is a history of the thoughts, intentions and motives of political actors underpinning the events that have marked Syria's history after the first Arab-Israeli war, and focuses mainly on the interaction between local, regional and international actors. Unlike most histories of the modern Middle East that tackle broad intervals and that focus on the sequences of events, this history seeks to reconstruct the thought processes behind the events, and anchor them within the epoch's existing political and socioeconomic conditions. It draws on several methodological influences, particularly R.G. Collingwood's 'history as re-enactment of the past'.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        May 2020

        Martial masculinities

        Experiencing and imagining the military in the long nineteenth century

        by Michael Brown, Anna Maria Barry, Joanne Begiato

        This collection explores the role of martial masculinities in shaping nineteenth-century British culture and society in a period framed by two of the greatest wars the world had ever known. It offers a fresh, interdisciplinary perspective on an emerging field of study and draws on historical, literary, visual and musical sources to demonstrate the centrality of the military and its masculine dimensions in the shaping of Victorian and Edwardian personal and national identities. Focusing on both the experience of military service and its imaginative forms, it examines such topics as bodies and habits, families and domesticity, heroism and chivalry, religion and militarism, and youth and fantasy. This collection will be required reading for anyone interested in the cultures of war and masculinity in the long nineteenth century.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        September 2023

        Unparalleled catastrophe

        Life and death in the Third Nuclear Age

        by Rhys Crilley

        After the first use of nuclear weapons in 1945, Albert Einstein warned that 'we thus drift towards unparalleled catastrophe'. Today we are no longer drifting but racing toward catastrophe at breakneck speed. This book analyses recent events that have brought about a dangerous Third Nuclear Age. From the collapse of arms control treaties and the development of hypersonic missiles, to the pop culture that shapes how we think about nuclear weapons, via how nuclear weapons intersect with the global threats posed by pandemics, populism, climate change, corruption, militarism, and racism, this book explores the nuclear zeitgeist of today. It presents the case for critical nuclear studies, and provides an important intervention into debates about nuclear weapons and international security. Today, the planet stands on the brink of catastrophe. This book tells you why, and what we can do about it.

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        by Art Antonian

        The üPopulation lost its human form a long time ago. In the world of people, heart palpitations are a crime, a terrible disease. Total prohibitions were declared absolute freedom, love of the motherland was replaced by aggressive political militarism, robots took the place of pets, they were created to train their masters in exquisite sadism. An ideal society is governed by the neÜsrooms. The only thing standing in the way of perfect order is Herz-terrorism, which arose as a result of a global cardiac pandemic. A law-abiding persön David works conscientiously for the benefit of the Ümpire at the TV center, helping to create a news product that should be regularly consumed by all representatives of the üPopulation. David, who is a cog in the merciless propaganda machine, falls into the maelstrom of events that not only question the perfection of the imperial system, but also threaten all of humanity.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        March 2017

        Imperialism and juvenile literature

        by Jeffrey Richards

        Popular culture is invariably a vehicle for the dominant ideas of its age. Never was this truer than in the late-nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, when it reflected the nationalist and imperialist ideologies current throughout Europe. It both reflects popular attitudes, ideas and preconceptions and it generates support for selected views and opinions. This book examines the various media through which nationalist ideas were conveyed in late-Victorian and Edwardian times: in the theatre, "ethnic" shows, juvenile literature, education and the iconography of popular art. It seeks to examine in detail the articulation and diffusion of imperialism in the field of juvenile literature by stressing its pervasiveness across boundaries of class, nation and gender. It analyses the production, distribution and marketing of imperially-charged juvenile fiction, stressing the significance of the Victorians' discovery of adolescence, technological advance and educational reforms as the context of the great expansion of such literature. An overview of the phenomenon of Robinson Crusoe follows, tracing the process of its transformation into a classic text of imperialism and imperial masculinity for boys. The imperial commitment took to the air in the form of the heroic airmen of inter-war fiction. The book highlights that athleticism, imperialism and militarism become enmeshed at the public schools. It also explores the promotion of imperialism and imperialist role models in fiction for girls, particularly Girl Guide stories.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 2017

        Propaganda and Empire

        by John M. MacKenzie

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        Humanities & Social Sciences

        Zero Point Ukraine

        by Olena Stiazhkina

        The Western understanding of what happened in Ukraine during World War II has been shaped by historical and ideological narratives created by the Kremlin. The Ukrainian version of the story has been dissolved in the concept of the “great victorious Russian people” and distorted by attempts to equate Ukrainian national army to German Nazis, while the occupation and colonisation of Ukraine by Russian Bolsheviks in the 1920s and 1930s has widely been ignored or artificially silenced. In her Four Essays on World War II, Olena Stiazhkina inscribes the Ukrainian history of the war into a wider European and world context. Amongst other aspects, she analyzes the mobilization measures on the eve of the war, thus questioning Soviet narratives. Scrutinising the social and political processes initiated by the Bolshevik leadership in the 1920s and 1930s, Stiazhkina concludes that mobilisation and militarisation were integral parts of Soviet power policy. The Soviet and contemporary Russian narratives about World War II have been used to justify the Kremlin’s policies towards democratic countries. Today, Russia remains deeply engaged in the falsification of the past, which underpins the claims of the so-called “Russian World” and the ongoing war against Ukraine. Olena Stiazhkina’s book promotes a new, historically adequate understanding of what happened in Ukraine before, during, and after World War II.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        August 2023

        The British Empire through buildings

        by John M. MacKenzie

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        June 2021

        Civil war London

        by Jordan S. Downs, Jason Peacey

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        September 2023

        Civil war London

        Mobilizing for parliament, 1641–5

        by Jordan S. Downs

        This book looks at London's provision of financial and military support for parliament's war against King Charles I. It explores for the first time a series of episodic, circumstantial and unique mobilisations that spanned from late 1641 to early 1645 and which ultimately led to the establishment of the New Model Army. Based on research from two-dozen archives, Civil war London charts the successes and failures of efforts to move London's vast resources and in the process poses a number of challenges to longstanding notions about the capital's 'parliamentarian' makeup. It reveals interactions between London's Corporation, parochial communities and livery companies, between preachers and parishioners and between agitators, propagandists and common people. Within these tangled webs of political engagement reside the untold stories of the movement of money and men, but also of parliament's eventual success in the English Civil War.

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        20th century history: c 1900 to c 2000
        October 2013

        Northern Ireland in the Second World War

        Politics, economic mobilisation and society, 1939–45

        by Philip Ollerenshaw

        This original and distinctive book surveys the political, economic and social history of Northern Ireland in the Second World War. Since its creation in 1920, Northern Ireland has been a deeply divided society and the book explores these divisions before and during the war. It examines rearmament, the relatively slow wartime mobilisation, the 1941 Blitz, labour and industrial relations, politics and social policy. Northern Ireland was the only part of the UK with a devolved government and no military conscription during the war. The absence of military conscription made the process of mobilisation, and the experience of men and women, very different from that in Britain. The book's conclusion considers how the government faced the domestic and international challenges of the postwar world. This study draws on a wide range of primary sources and will appeal to those interested in modern Irish and British history and in the Second World War.

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        Teaching, Language & Reference
        December 2020

        Living politics after war

        by Johanna Söderström, Emmanuel Pierre Guittet

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        Desde el Principio

        by Ron Adam

        Desde el Principio – Novela de suspense apocalíptica por Ron Adam Como en una tragedia griega, los Estados Unidos avanza inexorablemente hacia una colisión con la mayor de las amenazas: la combinación letal del islamismo fanático, armas nucleares y los mayores recursos energéticos del planeta. El 11 de septiembre de 2001, Osama Bin Laden demostró al mundo cómo aprovechar los dólares y la tecnología norteamericanos para utilizarlos como bumerang con el fin de asestar un golpe en el corazón de los Estados Unidos. Aunque sea terrible, no cuesta imaginarse qué puede suceder en cuanto ese celo fanático disponga del monstruoso poder de las armas nucleares. Una rápida mirada en el mapa muestra que los Estados Unidos han aprendido la lección y que las guerras en Afganistán y en Irak han venido a cerrar el círculo alrededor de la verdadera amenaza: Irán. Desde el principio le arrastra al torbellino que barre el mundo, desde una guerra local en el Golfo Pérsico pasando por un golpe militar en Rusia, la nueva vieja aliada de Irán, hasta un verdadero holocausto nuclear. La tripulación exclusivamente masculina de un submarino estadounidense que jugó involuntariamente un papel activo en la destrucción de la humanidad, comprueba después de los hechos que la tarea opuesta, reconstituir la raza humana Desde el principio reposa sobre sus hombros. Después de pasar sumergidos nueve meses, emergen en una remota isla del Pacífico en la que las condiciones pueden de nuevo soportar la vida. Equipados con tecnologías de punta, llevan con ellos dos docenas de óvulos fertilizados congelados, destinados a convertirse en nuevas Evas, que juntas serán las madres de la nueva humanidad. Lamentablemente, hay en la isla demasiados “Adanes”. Más de cien hombres esperan ansiosos que las 24 bebitas maduren y se conviertan en mujeres maduras y por lo tanto, la lucha por el control de tan precioso “recurso” está predeterminada. Estos hombres comprueban que no es posible cambiar la naturaleza humana. Incluso después de la terrible guerra que lo ha destruido todo, el hombre seguirá usando la fuerza bruta para obtener lo que desea y para resolver disputas. A pesar del escenario pesimista, el libro es esencialmente optimista y lo impulsa la fe en la ley de la historia: el bien a la larga se impondrá, aun cuando sea a costa de sufrimientos y a un tremendo precio. El autor es piloto de caza, oficial de marina y experimentado ingeniero de alta tecnología. Ron Adam tiene en su haber una brillante carrera militar y ha servido en un submarino y en un navío de la Marina Israelí y como piloto de caza, comandante de un portaaviones, instructor de vuelo y oficial de rango superior de guerra electrónica en la Fuerza Aérea israelí. Adam, licenciado en Ingeniería electrónica, ha dirigido un proyecto militar con un coste de 1200 millones de dólares y también ha establecido tres emprendimientos de alta tecnología. Hoy día Adam es un asesor ejecutivo de la industria aeroespacial y divide su tiempo entre la ingeniería de nivel superior y la escritura de libros y libretos. Está casado y tiene tres hijos.

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