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      • BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT

        BCSis committed to making IT good for society and has over 70,000 members,including students, teachers, professionals and practitioners. Through a wide range of global communities, we foster links between experts from industry, academia and business to promote new thinking, education and knowledge sharing. BCSpromotes continuing professional development through a series of respected IT qualifications, professional certifications and apprenticeships, and provides practical support and information services for its customers around the world.

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      • Institut Ramon Llull

        Literature Department Grants Literature Translation Grants for the translation of Catalan literature: fiction, non-fiction, children’s and YA books, poetry, theatre and graphic novels. Recipients: Publishers.   Literature Promotion Grants to promote abroad Catalan literature (fiction, non-fiction, children’s and YA books, poetry, theatre and graphic novels), including participation in international literary festivals and presentations and promotional plans for works in translation. Recipients: Publishers, Literary Events Organizers.   Illustrated Books Grants for the publication abroad of illustrated books by illustrators settled in Catalonia or the Balearic Islands. Recipients: Publishers.   Samples & Booklets Grants to translate samples of works written in Catalan to produce booklets for promotional purposes. Recipients: Catalan Publishers, Literary Agencies.   Translators in Residency Grants for translators working on translations from Catalan to stay from two to six weeks in Catalonia. Recipients: Translators.   Travel for Writers and Illustrators Grants for writers and illustrators to finance travel costs to carry out literary activities, to which they have been invited. Recipients: Writers in Catalan and illustrators with at least two books originally published in Catalan.

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      • Trusted Partner
        Science fiction (Children's/YA)
        September 2019

        La Nacionalien

        by Sandro Bassi

        How often do you check your cell phone? Do you wear it while you walk or take the bus? In the subway? Do you have WhatsApp, Instagram and Facebook? How many likes did you get this week? The cell phone is without any doubt your door to the rest of the world. It connects you, but more important, you disconnect.

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & young adult: general non-fiction

        The Majestic Cathedrals of Ukraine

        by Zirka Menzatiuk

        This book will bring you closer to heaven. To the light. To beauty. It will help to open distant pages of history and reveal the secrets of sacred art. The temples that rise on the territory of Ukraine, built in different times, in different styles hide many secrets. Many legends are connected with their construction, and many miracles happened during the building and restoration. A special feature of the publication is that an ordinary schoolboy became interested in the history of the temples. He decided to tell about them on his Instagram blog to attract the attention of as many followers as possible. Did he succeed? Read it, take a look at the blog — and find out what happened.

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2023

        Trapped by Social Media

        How we save our digital sovereignty

        by Björn Staschen

        — Who is behind the big platforms, what are their alternatives and why do algorithms contribute to polarisation? — A contribution to the discussion on current media policy in the EU It's a paradox: thanks to the countless platforms and channels that are around today, it has never been so easy to express your opinion. And yet never before have so few people decided on the rules of these platforms. Never before has the free formation of opinion, which is essential for our democracies, been in so much danger. And never before have the signs of recognising this been so obvious. So what needs to be done? In a controversial discourse on the effects of TikTok, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and the rest, Björn Staschen reveals how we are slowly losing our freedom – and how we can get it back again.

      • Trusted Partner
        February 2022

        Jolle und ich (1). Der Tag, an dem ein Pinguin bei uns einzog

        by Frixe, Katja/ illustriert von Jeschke, Stefanie

        Ein sprechender Pinguin als neues Familienmitglied – na, das kann ja heiter werden! Thea traut ihren Augen kaum, als sie plötzlich einen Pinguin in ihrem Garten entdeckt. Und dann spricht der auch noch! Ab diesem Moment wirbelt Pinguin Jolle den Alltag von Theas Familie gehörig durcheinander. Er richtet sich im Badezimmer häuslich ein, plündert die Vorräte der Tiefkühltruhe und wird bald zum beliebtesten Instagram-Motiv von Theas Schwester. Schnell werden Thea und Jolle die dicksten Freunde und stellen zusammen die Welt auf den Kopf. Doch wie viel Chaos verträgt eine Familie? Und kann Jolle wirklich bleiben? Erfolgsautorin Katja Frixe schafft beste Familien-Unterhaltung mit den turbulenten Abenteuern von Pinguin Jolle. Liebevoll und witzig illustriert von Stefanie Jeschke. Für alle Fans der Känguru-Chroniken!

      • Trusted Partner
        July 2018

        Vertraute Dinge, fremde Dinge


        by Teju Cole, Uda Strätling

        Teju Cole betrachtet Kunst, wie er die Welt betrachtet: mit dem Blick eines unsystematischen Historikers, der zunächst beobachtet, beschreibt, das Offensichtliche in den Blick nimmt, um zu dem weniger Sichtbaren vorzudringen, das darunterliegt. Seine Essays handeln von der Erfahrung des Unterwegsseins und von politischer Moral, von Rassismus und davon, warum auch ein Präsident, der die »richtigen« Bücher liest, in seinem Amt Menschen tötet. Und er schreibt über das, was ihn geistig nährt: über Baldwin, Sebald und Tranströmer; über Brasilien, Italien, Palästina; über die Ästhetik westafrikanischer Auftragsfotografie und über Instagram. In bereichernden, betörenden und originellen Essays offenbart Teju Cole den Reichtum seiner Interessen. Immer wieder zieht er erhellende Verbindungen, von der konkreten Gegenwart zur Dichtung, von der Geschichte zur Kunst. Vertraute Dinge, fremde Dinge wird zu einer Schule des Sehens.

      • Trusted Partner



        by Leanne Shapton

        In Gästebuch erkundet eine der originellsten Erzählerinnen und Künstlerinnen der Gegenwart die gleichermaßen flirrenden wie verstörenden Ereignisse, die Menschen im Leben heimsuchen können, von denen sie sich aber kaum zu erzählen trauen. Ein Tennis-Wunderkind kollabiert nach jedem gewonnenen Match und schreibt den Sieg einer unsichtbaren, nicht ganz wohlwollenden Existenz zu. Eine Frau kehrt mit einem seltsamen Gefühl von einer Besichtigung der ehemaligen Gefängnisinsel Alcatraz zurück. Der Geist eines Gefangenen habe sich an sie geheftet, behauptet eine Freundin. Er habe ihr Mitleid für seinesgleichen gespürt. Ein Mann in einem blauen Anzug taucht auf zahllosen Society-Events überall in der Stadt auf – am selben Tag, zur selben Zeit. Leanne Shapton komponiert zahlreiche solcher Geschichten und Erinnerungen mit anderem Material – zufällig vorgefundenen Fotografien, eigenen Zeichnungen, Instagram-artigen Porträts – zu einem vielschichtigen Kuriositätenkabinett und verwandelt damit die klassische Geistergeschichte in etwas völlig Neues.

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA
        February 2022

        Alles, was ich in dir sehe

        New Adult-Roman mit viel Liebe und Humor

        by Kyra Groh

        All That I See In You   All I See, All You Know, All You Have Been ...Anna, Polly and Anouk all have very different goals after graduating high school, but this does not harm their friendship. Quite the opposite: they have to stick together more tightly than ever. As there are a lot of things about life as an adult that no one has prepared them for – to not even mention their love lives! All these experiences are shared on a joint Instagram account, and each book tells the story of one of the girls.Two weeks in a luxury resort in Portugal - the perfect gift for graduation. Not for Anna, who would rather spend the summer at home with her two best friends. But because she always puts her own wishes on hold, she is now in the Algarve, lost between models and photographers. After escaping to a café, she befriends Helena, who invites her to help out on her dog farm. There, Anna meets the guy again who she bumped into at Frankfurt airport - not a good memory for both of them, as they instantly disliked each other. Fynn is not Anna‘s type at all and sees nothing more in her than a fashion doll. So, definitely not a dreamboat she could be falling for (she thinks) …• Original and modern twist on New Adult fiction – touching and an extra dose of humor• Girl power: 3 self-confident sisters as role models who stand up for themselves• Stories about first steps towards independence: Career choices, fear of the future, knowing and accepting yourself

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA
        July 2022

        Das Buch der Seelen

        by Mechthild Gläser

        The Book of Souls A "Dorian Gray" story about the power of imagesFor generations, Elsie's family has owned a photography studio. Elsie loves the old cameras and the historic photographs; she is particularly taken with the portrait of the young lord Aidan Storm. Every now and then, she even tells the picture about her worries. What she doesn't know is that he can actually hear her. When Aidan's photo disappears from the album one day, Elsie is inconsolable. But then the young lord suddenly reappears. On Instagram, of all places - and then she meets him in real life.Aidan Storm was born in 1873 and there is a centuries-old curse on his family. With every newborn, a new ghost is born into the world. Aidan sets out to break the curse and recapture the spirits, using the new technology of photography to help him. Until Aidan himself gets captured in a photo that is found 120 years later by John's great-great-granddaughter Elsie. But who has summoned Aidan and the other ghosts that suddenly haunt modern Edinburgh back to reality? And why?Told in two time levels, the story alternates between the perspective of Elsie in modern-day Edinburgh and Aidan at the end of the 19th century. Like in Emma and the Forgotten Book, Mechthild Gläser takes inspiration from a 19th-century classic and brings the portrait of a young man quickly to life, in a modern-day story about the power of images. • Urban fantasy story combined with a tender, humorous love story• The Picture of Dorian Gray meets Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children• Set in picturesque Edinburgh • By internationally successful Mechthild Gläser (SERAPH Fantasy Award), who has been published in 14 languages

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA

        Royal Horses (2). Crown Dream

        by Jana Hoch

        Paparazzi, a blaze of flashlights, scandals – day by day, Greta’s life is being turned upside down. And only one person is responsible for this: Edward. Or to be more precise, Prince Tristan. Greta still feels that he has deceived her with his lies. Why didn’t he tell her who he really was? But when Edward suggests that she should come to Caverley Green in order to escape from the media circus, she can’t say no. Especially because her heart always beats faster when she sees Edward working with the horses. Or when he looks at her in that special way…But is Greta really ready to become part of his world?

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA

        Royal Horses (1). Crown Heart

        by Jana Hoch

        His world is that of the Royals – full of scandals and secrets. Falling in love with him was never part of her plan. Their paths cross at the royal stud farm... Greta just wants to get away: away from her school and away from the friends who have so endlessly disappointed her. The holiday job at the royal stud farm comes at just the right time for her. She might not have any interest in horses – and even less in princes and princesses – but the royal family’s palace still makes her heart beat faster. But on the very first day she quarrels with Edward, the horse trainer. He guesses that she is hiding a secret and wants to do whatever it takes to bring it out in the open. When, shortly afterwards, Prince Tristan appears at the stud farm, Greta’s life is completely turned upside down. She notices all too late that she is in the process of falling in love – and specifically with the boy that she actually wants to stay away from. Humorous and romantic, glamorous and exciting: ‘Royal Horses’ is the perfect love story for all readers from 12 to 99 years-old. Greta and Edward‘s story continues! Volume 2, ‘Crown Dream’ will be out in autumn 2020.

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2022


        Fuckability, orgasm gap and #metoo

        by Henriette Hell

        Lust, a mortal sin? These times are over. In today's public perception, it is more likely for a boring sex life to be categorised as that. In statistical terms, people have never had as little sex with each other as they do today. And yet tips for a good sex life are to be found on every (digital) corner. Sex has mutated into a lifestyle product, and terms like 'fuckability' and 'MILF' trip lightly off our tongues. Henriette Hell takes a closer look at the thing about sex. She traces the history and genesis of 'sexual liberation', and sheds light on the 'cheating gene' and the #metoo debate. The author asks (and answers) the question of whether sex is becoming more and more antisocial and what actually still turns us on today. In doing so, she focuses on the former mortal sin of lust, which is inseparably linked to the systematic suppression of female lust (and its liberation).

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA

        Things. My 200 Picture Book

        by Magdalena Skala

        The very smallest children can identify and name objects from their homes in this award-winning, large-format board book. Magdalena Skala’s fantastic illustrations use bright colours and clear forms to depict the most important objects from the nursery, kitchen, garden, lounge, bathroom – in short from children’s everyday worlds: a great start into the world of words – and books! Magdalena Skala was awarded the 2019 Meefisch Prize and the Marktheidenfeld Prize for picture book illustration for THINGS. MY 200-PICTURE BOOK.

      • Trusted Partner
        Business, Economics & Law
        December 2017

        Transforming Travel

        Realising the potential of sustainable tourism

        by Jeremy Smith

        Transforming Travel combines stories from leading companies, interviews with pioneers and thinkers, along with thorough analysis of the industry's potential to make lasting, positive change. - A unique collection of case studies and stories of the most successful, inspirational, impactful and innovative travel businesses in the world. - A vital presentation of the latest research and statistics on the positive impacts and potential of transformative, sustainable tourism, - A positive and realistic vision of the scope of tourism to promote sustainable development at a time when travel and interaction with foreign cultures is facing numerous existential challenges. Written in a highly engaging style Transforming Travel presents an urgent argument for transforming tourism so it might reach its potential to promote tolerance, restore communities and regenerate habitats, while providing a vital guide for anyone looking to develop the successful sustainable tourism enterprises and destinations needed to do so.

      • Trusted Partner
        Veterinary medicine
        December 2014

        Rabbit Behaviour, Health and Care

        by Marit Emilie Buseth, Richard Saunders

        This book is an essential, thorough, very practical guide to understanding and caring for your rabbit. By following the advice in this book, both rabbit owners and veterinary health professionals report healthier and more content rabbits. Developed from the successful Norwegian text Den Store Kaninboka by the award-winning author Marit Emilie Buseth, Rabbit Behaviour, Health and Care will help you: - develop an understanding of the rabbit's nature, which will help you to spot normal and abnormal behaviour; - learn about the correct living conditions in which to keep domestic rabbits, in terms of their behavioural, physical and social needs; - acquire essential knowledge about rabbit nutrition, dentistry and disease; - discover a new and improved approach to rabbit-keeping through stories and case examples of real rabbits; - gain a rewarding owner-pet relationship. Rabbits are extremely popular pets, but misconceptions about their care and behaviour are widespread. Most illnesses or behaviour problems are a direct or indirect result of poor nutrition and care. This book helps veterinarians and rabbit owners to overcome these challenges by understanding the rabbit's nature and needs.

      • Trusted Partner
        Business, Economics & Law
        December 2018

        World Heritage Sites

        Tourism, Local Communities and Conservation Activities

        by Takamitsu Jimura

        Heritage is a growing area of both tourism and study, with World Heritage Site designations increasing year-on-year. This book reviews the important interrelations between the industry, local communities and conservation work, bringing together the various opportunities and challenges for different destinations. World Heritage status is a strong marketing brand, and proper heritage management and effective conservation are vital, but this tourism must also be developed and managed appropriately if it is to benefit a site. As many sites are located in residential areas, their interaction with the local community must also be carefully considered. This book: - Reviews new areas of development such as Historic Urban Landscapes, Intangible Cultural Heritage, Memory of the World and Global Geoparks. - Includes global case studies to relate theory to practice. - Covers a worldwide industry of over 1,000 cultural and natural heritage sites. An important read for academics, researchers and students of heritage studies, cultural studies and tourism, this book is also a useful resource for professionals working in conservation, cultural and natural heritage management.

      • Computing & IT

        Social Media Marketing - The Practical Handbook for Facebook, Instagram, TikTok & Co.

        With a comprehensive legal guide by Dr. Thomas Schwenke

        by Corina Pahrmann, Katja Kupka

        From influencer and content marketing to strategy and success measurement to platforms such as TikTok, LinkedIn or Instagram: This comprehensive standard work provides you with valuable basic knowledge and inspires with best practices and a wealth of instructive practical tips and examples for all industries and company sizes.   As a tried-and-tested practical book, it helps freelancers and marketing managers in companies and organizations to develop an individual social media strategy - with SMART goals and for defined target groups. In addition, it shows methods and indicators for measuring success and guides through all the essential channels and tools. Interviews with marketing professionals and a detailed chapter on legal aspects by attorney Thomas Schwenke complete the book. After reading, you will have internalized the special social media mindset and will build successful long-term relationships with your target groups.   Understand the basics                                                                                    How social media and its algorithms work, why interaction is so crucial, and how to lose your fear of shitstorms   Your strategy for long-term success                                                                          How to choose the right channels, develop your social media roadmap and implement it in your company - including tips on training and development   Check your success                                                                                         Which methods and tools support you with monitoring and analytics   Convince with content (marketing)                                                                     How to create useful content, position yourself as an expert, and launch a blog or podcast   Increase your reach with images and videos, stories and livestream Tips and practical examples on influencer marketing, Instagram, YouTube, TikTok and other platforms for (moving) images   Stay in the conversation                                                                                           How to create presences in the networks that matter to you and build a strong community   Focus on employer branding and social recruiting                                           How to build a strong employer brand and how your presence on LinkedIn and XING can help you do so   Stay on top of your game: social media marketing in the future                                      How messenger services, gamification, digital voice assistants, chatbots with AI, and VR/AR are changing marketing   Legal tips from the expert Dr. jur. Thomas Schwenke                                               On the safe side: legal basics for your social media marketing   The must-have for your successful social media practice in B2B and B2C environments.

      • The Arts
        April 2017

        Read This if You Want to be Instagram Famous

        by Series editor: Henry Carroll

        Packed with the essential secrets of the hottest Instagrammers around, this book features tips covering photographic techniques, captioning, codes of conduct, kit and managing your account. Put the advice into practice and soon you too will be hailed as an Instagram icon.

      • Humour collections & anthologies

        Life is better if you laugh

        by Pera Toons

        A game book from the international influencer Pera Toons, author of Who killed Kenny

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