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      • Rights People

        Rights People is a full service rights agency dedicated to selling books around the world. Established in January 2006, we are a small team with many years’ experience in the rights industry. Our approach is a personal one and we are the agency of choice for some of the best literary agencies and publishers from around the world. We provide a comprehensive service for all our clients based on their individual needs and we aim to find the best home for every book we represent. We sell directly to publishers in most markets, and are a one-stop shop for rights services.

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      • People's Literature Publishing House

        People’s Literature Publishing House Co., Ltd., currently a member of China Publishing Group Corporation, is the first and the largest professional national publishing institution in China. Founded in 1951, PLPH has published a vast number of quality literary works, from all time classics to the latest titles, by domestic writers and translated from other languages. PLPH enjoys a great amount of exclusive publishing resources, a high reputation among readers and was awarded many times with national literary and publishing prizes. Along with regular editing and production departments, it has a sub brand, Daylight Publishing, specializing in children’s book and five magazines and journals. We publish over a thousand titles each year, sharing outstanding literary works in a global platform. All-time classics such as the complete works of Shakespeare, Balzac, Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, Kafka, Hemingway, Sartre, and international bestsellers such as Harry Potter series are all introduced to Chinese readers by PLPH.

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      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 2017

        Imperial medicine and indigenous societies

        by David Arnold

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 2017

        Rethinking settler colonialism

        History and memory in Australia, Canada, Aotearoa New Zealand and South Africa

        by Annie Coombes

        Rethinking settler colonialism focuses on the long history of contact between indigenous peoples and the white colonial communities who settled in Australia, Aotearoa New Zealand, Canada and South Africa. It interrogates how histories of colonial settlement have been mythologised, narrated and embodied in public culture in the twentieth century (through monuments, exhibitions and images) and charts some of the vociferous challenges to such histories that have emerged over recent years. Despite a shared familiarity with cultural and political institutions, practices and policies amongst the white settler communities, the distinctiveness which marked these constituencies as variously, 'Australian', 'South African', 'Canadian' or 'New Zealander', was fundamentally contingent upon their relationship to and with the various indigenous communities they encountered. In each of these countries these communities were displaced, marginalised and sometimes subjected to attempted genocide through the colonial process. Recently these groups have renewed their claims for greater political representation and autonomy. The essays and artwork in this book insist that an understanding of the political and cultural institutions and practices which shaped settler-colonial societies in the past can provide important insights into how this legacy of unequal rights can be contested in the present. It will be of interest to those studying the effects of colonial powers on indigenous populations, and the legacies of imperial rule in postcolonial societies.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        July 2023

        The imperial Commonwealth

        Australia and the project of empire, 1867-1914

        by Wm. Matthew Kennedy

        From the late 1800s to the early 1900s, Australian settler colonists mobilised their unique settler experiences to develop their own vision of what 'empire' was and could be. Reinterpreting their histories and attempting to divine their futures with a much heavier concentration on racialized visions of humanity, white Australian settlers came to believe that their whiteness as well as their Britishness qualified them for an equal voice in the running of Britain's imperial project. Through asserting their case, many soon claimed that, as newly minted citizens of a progressive and exemplary Australian Commonwealth, white settlers such as themselves were actually better suited to the modern task of empire. Such a settler political cosmology with empire at its center ultimately led Australians to claim an empire of their own in the Pacific Islands, complete with its own, unique imperial governmentality.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        April 2023

        Becoming a mother

        An Australian history

        by Carla Pascoe Leahy

        Becoming a mother charts the diverse and complex history of Australian mothering for the first time, exposing the ways it has been both connected to and distinct from parallel developments in other industrialised societies. In many respects, the historical context in which Australian women come to motherhood has changed dramatically since 1945. And yet examination of the memories of multiple maternal generations reveals surprising continuities in the emotions and experiences of first-time motherhood. Drawing upon interdisciplinary insights from anthropology, history, psychology and sociology, Carla Pascoe Leahy unpacks this multifaceted rite of passage through more than 60 oral history interviews, demonstrating how maternal memories continue to influence motherhood today. Despite radical shifts in understandings of gender, care and subjectivity, becoming a mother remains one of the most personally and culturally significant moments in a woman's life.

      • Trusted Partner
        April 2011



        by Richard Flanagan, Peter Knecht

        Ein fesselnder Roman über ungebändigte Gefühle und verdrängte Leidenschaften. 1839: Der Gouverneur von Tasmanien und Polarforscher Sir John Franklin und seine Frau holen das Aborigine-Mädchen Mathinna zu sich ins Haus. Sie wollen »die Wilde« durch strenge Erziehung zivilisieren. Während Lady Jane ihre mütterlichen Gefühle unterdrückt, kann sich Sir Franklin Mathinnas »wilder« Anziehungskraft nicht entziehen. Als Franklin Jahre später nach England zurückbeordert wird, bleibt das Mädchen entwurzelt und zutiefst verstört zurück … Zwanzig Jahre später: Im Überlebenskampf im ewigen Eis soll Sir Franklin dem Kannibalismus verfallen sein. Als Charles Dickens dessen Ruf und Ansehen retten will, entdeckt er an sich plötzlich eine »wilde« unbezwingbare Seite.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        December 2022

        Distant sisters

        Australasian women and the international struggle for the vote, 1880–1914

        by James Keating

        In the 1890s Australian and New Zealand women became the first in the world to win the vote. Buoyed by their victories, they promised to lead a global struggle for the expansion of women's electoral rights. Charting the common trajectory of the colonial suffrage campaigns, Distant Sisters uncovers the personal and material networks that transformed feminist organising. Considering intimate and institutional connections, well-connected elites and ordinary women, this book argues developments in Auckland, Sydney, and Adelaide-long considered the peripheries of the feminist world-cannot be separated from its glamourous metropoles. Focusing on Antipodean women, simultaneously insiders and outsiders in the emerging international women's movement, and documenting the failures of their expansive vision alongside its successes, this book reveals a more contingent history of international organising and challenges celebratory accounts of fin-de-siècle global connection.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences

        WHO WE ARE: Indigenous Peoples and National Minorities of Ukraine

        by Bogdan Logvynenko (idea), Daria Titarova (editor)

        Who are we? This is the question that the Ukraїner team has been working on every day for over five years. We tell stories from different parts of Ukraine, and in this way we seek the answer. This book has grown out of a great desire to explore and tell about the people in Ukraine. First of all, it is about the indigenous peoples here, because since July 2021, in addition to Ukrainians, this list has officially included the Crimean Tatars, Krymchaks and Karaites. And also it is about a whole range of national minorities whose representatives appeared on our lands for one reason or another. After all, the history of each people living in the territory of Ukraine is a part of our common history, as ancient and rooted as the formation of the Crimean Tatar people in Crimea and nearby steppe of Prychornomoria, or as fresh as the newly Indian student community in Zakarpattia. With the story of the latter, in 2017 Ukraїner began a series of more than 30 multimedia stories about national minorities of Ukraine, fragments of which became the basis for this book. Most stories are accompanied by QR codes with links, which you can follow to watch the stories. We also set out to tell about the diversity of cultures and thereby answer the question: what are we? The deeper we researched the traditional holidays, cuisine, and symbols of each separate people, the more we found in common.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        September 2023

        Missionaries and modernity

        Education in the British Empire, 1830-1910

        by Felicity Jensz

        Many missionary societies established mission schools in the nineteenth century in the British Empire as a means to convert non-Europeans to Christianity. Although the details, differed in various colonial contexts, the driving ideology behind mission schools was that Christian morality was highest form of civilisation needed for non-Europeans to be useful members of colonies under British rule. This comprehensive survey of multi-colonial sites over the long time span clearly describes the missionary paradox that to draw in pupils they needed to provide secular education, but that secular education was seen to lead both to a moral crisis and to anti-British sentiments.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        September 2021

        Chosen peoples

        The Bible, race and empire in the long nineteenth century

        by Gareth Atkins, Shinjini Das, Brian Murray

        Chosen peoples demonstrates how biblical themes, ideas and metaphors shaped racial, national and imperial identities in the long nineteenth century. Even as radical new ideas challenged the historicity of the Bible, biblical notions of lineage, descent and inheritance continued to inform understandings of race, nation and empire. European settler movements portrayed 'new' territories across the seas as lands of Canaan, but if many colonised and conquered peoples resisted the imposition of biblical narratives, they also appropriated biblical tropes to their own ends. These innovative case-studies throw new light on familiar areas such as slavery, colonialism and the missionary project, while forging exciting cross-comparisons between race, identity and the politics of biblical translation and interpretation in South Africa, Egypt, Australia, America and Ireland.

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2006

        Paradies verloren


        by Cees Nooteboom, Helga Beuningen

        Wer hat bloß die Engel aus der Welt verbannt, obwohl ich sie noch immer um mich spüre?« Ein überraschender Gedanke für eine junge Frau, die am eigenen Leibe erfahren mußte, daß unsere Welt »mehr mit der Hölle zu tun hat als mit dem Paradies«. Alma ist eines Abends auf einer ziellosen Fahrt durch São Paulo in die Favela Paraisópolis geraten und vergewaltigt worden. Um den Schatten zu bannen, reist sie mit ihrer Freundin Almut in das Land ihrer gemeinsamen Kindheitsträume, Australien, und begegnet in der Leere der Wüste einer Stille, die sie versöhnt. Doch die Traumzeit ist längst vergangen, die mythische Welt der Aborigines versunken: »Mein Australien war eine Fiktion.« Alma nimmt Abschied von den Reservaten des Garten Eden und macht die Welt zu ihrer Wüste – nicht ohne darin ihre Spuren zu hinterlassen. Ob von Füßen oder Flügeln: dem alternden Literaturkritiker, dessen Weg sie kreuzt, ist sie eine Offenbarung des Himmels. In seinem neuen Roman erbringt Cees Nooteboom den poetischen Beweis dafür, daß Phantasie Flügel verleiht und daß die Verstoßung aus dem Paradies das Beste war, das Gott für die Literatur hatte tun können. Denn Geschichten sind wie Engel, sie verkehren zwischen dem Irdischen und dem Imaginären, mit einer entscheidenden Einschränkung: die Passage verläuft nicht ohne Störungen, das ist ihr Ursprung. Der Irrfahrt Almas erwächst eine der schönsten Geschichten seit Miltons Dichtung über Adam und Eva.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        February 2017

        Curating empire

        Museums and the British imperial experience

        by Sarah Longair, John McAleer

        Curating empire explores the diverse roles played by museums and their curators in moulding and representing the British imperial experience. This collection demonstrates how individuals, their curatorial practices, and intellectual and political agendas influenced the development of a variety of museums across the globe. Taken together, these contributions suggest that museums are not just sites for accessing history but need to be considered as historical sites of significance in themselves. Individual essays examine the work of curators in museums in Britain and the colonies, the historical display and interpretation of empire in Britain, and the establishment of 'museum networks' in the British imperial context. Curating empire sheds new light on the relationship between museums, as repositories for objects and cultural institutions for conveying knowledge, and the politics of culture and the formation of identities throughout the British Empire.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        February 2017

        The colonisation of time

        by Giordano Nanni

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2021

        Zhangjiajie•“Me and My Motherland”

        by Zhangjiajie•“Me and My Motherland”Editorial Board

        Zhangjiajie• is a book organized and edited by the Propaganda Department of the Zhangjiajie Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China. At the beginning of 2019, the Propaganda Department of the Zhangjiajie Municipal Party Committee learned about the news of Zhangjiajie, the birthplace of "My Motherland and Me", and then began a long period of time. Argumentation and planning, the book is composed of 4 chapters: "Birth", "Anthem", "Story" and "The Square". The work uses a large number of little-known song creation details, interesting stories and praises to the landscape and humanities of Zhangjiajie. It restores the creation process of the song "Me and My Motherland" for readers. At the same time, through a large number of incisive essays, multi-dimensional and multi-perspective presented Zhangjiajie people's praise of the motherland in all aspects.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        February 2022

        Missionaries and modernity

        by Felicity Jensz, Alan Lester

      • Trusted Partner
        International human rights law
        July 2013

        Indigenous peoples and human rights

        by Thornberry

      • Trusted Partner
        December 2023

        Cloud-native Computing

        Software Engineering von Diensten und Applikationen für die Cloud

        by Kratzke, Nane

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 2017

        Museums and empire

        by John M. Mackenzie

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