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      • Books Tatin Giannaro / Dr. Olga-Tatjana Rauch

        Contemporary fiction with strong female characters. Realism combining elements of suspense with elements of humor. Multi-layered stories about modern-day life and love, society and human beings. In focus: women and their own view of the world. Universal emotions, desires and human values, a portrait of society and a documentation of recent historical events. Young women in foreign countries. We publish novels, narrations, poems, and short stories.

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      • Tatsunoie

        Tatsunoie consists writing, designing and binding by hand in Japan. My books may not be standard. However, some heightened sensitivity pursue to the promises of life. I try to each customer can feel their own feeling efficiently, so drawing and writing minimize. There is a strong bind between sentence and drawing. It is close to riddle. You can feel new emotion when you read and read. And the sentences written in Japanese and English.

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      • Trusted Partner
        June 2023

        There is a Land Beyond Perekop

        by Anastasia Levkova

        Crimea. It was here that the main character of the novel spent her childhood, youth and met first love. It was here that she realized that she is Ukrainian. Neither grandfather, lieutenant colonel of the KGB, nor Russian blood in his veins stood in the way of her self-identification. The novel intertwines Crimean Tatar culture, Ukrainian history and family skeletons in closets like an ornament. Together with the main character and her friends, Aliye who is a Crimean Tatar, and Alyona who is a Ukrainian, the reader travels a long way from their childhood to the present — the occupation of the peninsula by Russia. «There is a land beyond Perekop» is an ode to Crimea. Not to its natural beauty and uniqueness, but to people. This is an attempt to open the mainland for Crimea, and Crimea for the mainland. After all, there is land both there and there. It should be known and stitched.

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        Historical fiction


        by Irene Rozdobudko

        The beginning of the novel takes place in the 20s of the last century in the Crimea. Crimean Tatars, Ukrainians and Jews live peacefully in the village. We see a company of children of different ethnic backgrounds. Before World War II, these children graduated and were preparing for adult life. Young Crimean Tatar woman Faride works in a kindergarten. Crimea is occupied by the Nazis. They gather all the Jews to shoot them outside the village. Faride taught Jewish children from her kindergarten to say that they were Tatars, and gave them new Crimean Tatar names. The Nazis tortured her, but the children were saved. 50 years later she was awarded the title of the Righteous Among the Nations. In 1944, Crimea was liberated from the Nazis by the Soviet army. Stalin accused the Crimean Tatars of collaborating with the Nazis and ordered their expulsion from the Crimea, even those who had fought in the Soviet army. One night they are all driven from their homes and taken for months in wagons, designed to transport cattle, to camps in Siberia. Half of them died on the way from starvation and disease. Faride manages to save her young son, leaving him in the village with neighbors, but she finds herself in a Stalinist concentration camp, where she works on cutting trees. After Stalin's death, Crimean Tatars were still not allowed to return home to Crimea; they were relocated to Uzbekistan, where they lived under police surveillance until 1989, when the Soviet Union began to disintegrate. Faride returns, but her son did not come to meet her, and strangers live in her house. Faride returns forgotten, tortured by both the Nazis and the Soviet regime. The novel is based on real events, it shows the life story of one woman in parallel with the tragic history of the entire Crimean Tatar nation.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences

        Crimean Tatars: from Ethnogenesis to Statehood

        by Gulnara Abdullaeva

        The book Crimean Tatars: From Ethnogenesis to Statehood is not just a sketch of the life and formation of Crimean Tatars as an ethnos, it is a great opportunity for readers of any age to learn and reflect in a historical (and sometimes political) perspective about who the Crimean Tatars, Krymchaks, Karaites really are, where they came from and how they were formed as a nationality. And why now they, together with other, unfortunately, small ethnic groups are forced to defend their status as the indigenous population of the peninsula, what is their role in the formation of modern Ukraine. A detailed study by Crimean historian Gulnara Abdullaeva will help restore the centuries-old ethnic history of the Crimean Tatars and other indigenous peoples of Crimea, dispel numerous imposed myths, demonstrate the national identity, uniqueness and value of the Crimean Tatar ethnic group for human civilization. The book is for those who want to know the story without expurgates.

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        May 1998

        Tatar Titus


        by Albert Ostermaier, Klaus Völker

        Zwischen zwei Feuern – Tollertopographie: Im New Yorker Exil durchleidet Ernst Toller seinen letzten Tag, den 22. Mai 1939. Ostermaiers Stück entwirft eine Topographie der Künstlerseele: Tollers Alter ego, Tollkirsch, führt ihm immer wieder sein Scheitern vor Augen und hetzt ihn so zu Tode.Zuckersüss & Leichenbitter oder: vom kaffee-satz im zucker-stück: Verzweifelt kaut der Mann, schwarzen Kaffee trinkend, an seinen Sätzen: Bruchstücke einer gescheiterten Lebensgeschichte und Reflexionen über den Tod. Da meldet sich überraschend ein Zuckerstück zu Wort. Ohne Punkt und Komma kämpft es mit Witz und Pop für ungesüßten Kaffee und damit um sein Leben.Tatar Titus: Titus Andronicus, kein Feldherr, sondern Dichter, hat sich mit Herrscher und Staat verbündet, um dem eigenen Ruhm zu dienen. Zu tollkühn hat er sich ins Mahlwerk der Macht begeben, und dort haben sie Hackfleisch aus ihm gemacht.

      • Trusted Partner
        August 2004

        Champagner, Trüffel und Tatar

        Neue kuriose Geschichten aus der Welt der Speisen und Getränke

        by Bertschi, Hannes; Reckewitz, Marcus

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        Children's & YA

        Kerim’s Crimea

        by Natalia Smyrnova

        Home, family, blooming pomegranates, children’s mischief. One day all of this is swept away by World War II. And the next day, after so many losses, it turns out that being a Crimean Tatar is a sentence. Hasty deportation, weeks in the freight trains, heavier losses yet, unfriendly new settlements, hard work. Memories of the lost Crimea. How can one find meaning, strength to live, and faith in people?

      • Trusted Partner
        April 2024

        Dragon Fruit

        Botany, Production and Uses

        by Sisir Mitra, Nigel P. Taylor, Pradyot K. Pathak, Kundan Kishore, Ankita Sahu, Prinya Wongsa, Taner Bozkurt, Özhan Simsek, Joanna Cho Lee Ying, Phebe Ding, Long Haibo, Tang Liangde, Li Huadong, Hamide Gubbuk, Recep Balkic, Lokman Altinkaya, Leila Aparecida Salles Pio, Renato Paiva, Mai Van Tri, Dinh Thi Yen Phuong

        Dragon fruit (pitaya) is a perennial climbing cactus, native to the tropical areas of North, Central and South America. It is suited to tropical and subtropical regions and is commercially grown in an increasing number of countries, including Israel, Australia and the USA. Dragon fruit generates considerable consumer interest because of its exotic appearance and potential health benefits. The fruit is rich in nutrients and phytochemical compounds. It can be eaten fresh or used in the preparation of juices, jellies, jams, etc. The natural bioactive compounds in pitaya have the potential to be exploited in food, pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries. Increasingly cultivated worldwide, the plant is drought-resistant, easily adapts to light intensity and high temperatures, and has a tolerance to a wide range of soil salinities. With ongoing global warming, dragon fruit has great potential as a new crop for many more countries. This book is a compilation of the current state of knowledge on dragon fruit physiology, cultivation, production technology, postharvest management and processing, and is written by leading international authors.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences

        WHO WE ARE: Indigenous Peoples and National Minorities of Ukraine

        by Bogdan Logvynenko (idea), Daria Titarova (editor)

        Who are we? This is the question that the Ukraїner team has been working on every day for over five years. We tell stories from different parts of Ukraine, and in this way we seek the answer. This book has grown out of a great desire to explore and tell about the people in Ukraine. First of all, it is about the indigenous peoples here, because since July 2021, in addition to Ukrainians, this list has officially included the Crimean Tatars, Krymchaks and Karaites. And also it is about a whole range of national minorities whose representatives appeared on our lands for one reason or another. After all, the history of each people living in the territory of Ukraine is a part of our common history, as ancient and rooted as the formation of the Crimean Tatar people in Crimea and nearby steppe of Prychornomoria, or as fresh as the newly Indian student community in Zakarpattia. With the story of the latter, in 2017 Ukraїner began a series of more than 30 multimedia stories about national minorities of Ukraine, fragments of which became the basis for this book. Most stories are accompanied by QR codes with links, which you can follow to watch the stories. We also set out to tell about the diversity of cultures and thereby answer the question: what are we? The deeper we researched the traditional holidays, cuisine, and symbols of each separate people, the more we found in common.

      • Trusted Partner
        December 2016

        Yuan Longping’s World

        by Chen Qiwen

        The profound reportage, Yuan Longping’s World, pays a tribute to a hero of our time -- Yuan Longping, Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering and a great scientist. The reportage has comprehensively and profoundly demonstrated the patriotism and scientific spirit of Yuan Longping, and objectively showed the rigorous but interesting daily life of Yuan and his team. The work has accurately describes the research principle and process of hybrid rice technology,analyzes and clarifies the generally concerned transgenic doubts about hybrid rice in the form of literature for the first time. It has been the most authoritative and deep-going biography of Yuan Longping so far, and even the most approved version by Yuan Longping himself. Chen Qiwen, author of the reportage, who lays emphasis upon field work and longitudinal interview, has worked for three years on this book, and nearly visited the paddy bases throughout the country, and even around the whole world.

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        Children's & YA

        The Dragon Lantern

        China Story Picture Books

        by Yi Ping

        China Story Picture Books is the first set of children's picture books launched by the Bingxin Award Committee. This set of books covers the works of seven Bingxin Award-winning writers of different ages including children's literature masters and promising young writers. The illustrations are full of traditional Chinese cultural elements such as dragon lantern dance, paper cutting, oil paper umbrella, and bamboo. Powerful painters at home and abroad are invited to do illustrations, which brings interesting fusion and collision of Chinese and foreign cultures to the books. In addition to the original illustrations, the stories are more touching. Every child can harvest the courage and wisdom for growing up from these stories.   The series consists of 7 picture books: The Dragon Lantern, The Path of Golden Flowers, The Child in Three-Story Attic, The School Day Gifts, The Secret of Crossing, The Slope of Sisters.   The Dragon Lantern tells a folk story of the Spring Festival. Yuanyuan and Fangfang are twins, and they have a common wish: to have a big lantern on the day of the Spring Festival. When the new year comes, the dragon in the dragon lantern jumps into the sky and turns into a fire dragon with colorful lights. He takes the God of Fortune, the Door God, the Kitchen God and the Lord Rabbit for a walk in the sky, laughs, and brings everyone the blessings of the festival.

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        Dream under the Harvest: The Story of Yuan Longping

        by Deng Xiangzi, Xie Changjiang

        Dream under the Harvest: The Story of Yuan Longping is a picture book about Yuan Longping's life experiences from childhood to becoming a scientist. The picture book highlights Yuan's scientist spirit with a child-friendly story and realistic drawings, tells the story of Yuan's life for the cause of hybrid rice, and presents his vivid and colorful life, his persistent spirit of exploration and his bright and open mind.

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        Children's & YA

        Nigu the Friendly Dragon

        by Watiek Ideo

        On the top of the mountain, live a dragon that often spout fire. Everyone in the village is afraid of the lone dragon. Three friends are curious about it and want to take a peek if the dragon is truly as scary as people said. When they arrive there, what they see is definitely not something they expected!

      • Trusted Partner

        The Emerald Land

        by Yuan Ye

        This book is a fantasy novel which written by Yuanye, who places his gaze on the prairie where his life came from, gazing at the unique experience of exploring nature by Mongolian children. Through the perspectives of teenager Baiyin, Suolong and Uncle Tonglaga, their fantastic adventures show the beauty of the prairie's animals, plants, and folklore. This is a fantasy world in the depths of the prairie, which reads fantastically and purely. The naivete of children, the simplicity of herders, the reverence of nature, the exploration of the unknown world, and the cherishing of culture grow in this prairie, where there are adventures and growth, pure laughter and tears, making people yearn for childhood.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2020

        Liao-Fan's Four Lessons

        by Yuan Liaofan

        The book is based on Confucianism and focuses on reformation, loyalty, filial piety, benevolence and the study of life. The book is written in a simple, fresh and timeless manner and is highly readable. The author's extensive quotations and examples make this book a 'mini-encyclopaedia' of traditional Chinese culture. The Yuan Family Sermon is mainly a record of the daily teachings of Yuan's parents to their children, the contents of which can be cross-referenced with the Four Sermons of Yuan.

      • Trusted Partner
        March 2013

        This is War: Teacher Yuan Tengfei's Lesson of WW1

        by Yuan Tengfei

        This book tells the story of WW1 in a clear and interesting way with historical facts. This book is totally different from any history book you have read. Readers can take a lot of joy and also understand the history of WW2 at the same time.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2013

        This is War: Teacher Yuan Tengfei's Lesson of WW2 1

        by Yuan Tengfei

        This book tells the story of WW2 in a clear and interesting way with historical facts. This book is totally different from any history book you have read. Readers can take a lot of joy and also understand the history of WW2 at the same time.

      • Trusted Partner
        April 2013

        This is War: Teacher Yuan Tengfei's Lesson of WW2 2

        by Yuan Tengfei

        This book tells the story of WW2 in a clear and interesting way with historical facts. This book is totally different from any history book you have read. Readers can take a lot of joy and also understand the history of WW2 at the same time.

      • Trusted Partner
        Historical fiction

        HERON’S WAY

        by Do Taij Mogul

        The hero’s story is told in an ancient, secret chronicle... A white falcon flew across the Eternal Blue Sky. His flight was long and beautiful, binding together the patchwork of lands; his life was full of victories and defeats. Soaring high, then falling like a stone, the falcon darted from place to place. He threaded his way from the colored Jin Empire to that of the daring Naimans; from the lands of the Karakitai Khanate to the territories of the rebellious Tangut; from the highlands of the warlike Taichuds to the floodplains of the unruly Tatars.... From north to south, from east to west, no man or beast in the world knew what the falcon was really like: how his heart ached; how fears clutched his chest; what nightmares visited his sleep; what treacherous winds lurked at every takeoff of his daily journey—a journey from nothing to everything. But as he flew, paying for his power over the world with his loneliness, the world was falling to pieces. When the falcon ceased flying, the Great Destruction came, and only the memory of the people for him kept the Mongol flame burning across the centuries—all while people went about their daily routines, and did all the unbearable and great things that give man his destiny...

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