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        Lam Chua: Travel Notes on Food 2

        by Lam Chua

        Lam Chua: Travel Notes on Food 2 is a sequel to Lam Chua: Travel Notes on Food, involving Mr. Chua's travel notes and random thoughts on his trip for savoring food, especially his new articles as well as his Weibo post about delicacies, anecdotes and scenery during 2018 to 2020. What Mr. Chua delivers to us in this book goes beyond just travelling and food, but more of his refreshing insight into life's ups and downs.

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        People & places (Children's/YA)
        March 2018

        Mi Barrio

        by María José Ferrada, Ana Penyas

        Every morning Marta goes out and verifies that everytthing is the way it should be: her friends in a terrace playing an eternal game of cards, the same beach as always in the usual place, children having fun in the schoolyard... Just a regular and amazing life in the neighbourhood.

      • Trusted Partner
        March 2021

        International Trade in Forest Products

        Lumber Trade Disputes, Models and Examples

        by G Cornelis van Kooten, Linda Voss

        Because of the long-standing Canada-U.S. lumber trade dispute and the current pressure on the world's forests as a renewable energy source, much attention has been directed toward the modelling of international trade in wood products. Two types of trade models are described in this book: one is rooted in economic theory and mathematical programming, and the other consists of two econometric/statistical models--a gravity model rooted in theory and an approach known as GVAR that relies on time series analyses. The purpose of the book is to provide the background theory behind models and facilitate readers in easily constructing their own models to analyse policy questions that they wish to address, whether in forestry or some other sector. Examples in the book are meant to illustrate how models can be used to say something about a variety of issues, including identification of the gains and losses to various players in the North American softwood lumber business, and the potential for redirecting sales of lumber to countries outside the United States. The discussion is expanded to include other products besides lumber, and used to examine, for example, the effects of log export restrictions by one nation on all other forestry jurisdictions, the impacts of climate policies as they relate to the global forest sector, and the impact of oil prices on forest product markets throughout the world. This book will appeal to practising economists and researchers who wish to examine various policies that affect international trade, whether their interest is local or international in scope. Because the book provides the theoretical bases underlying various models, students and practitioners will find this a valuable reference book or supplementary textbook.

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        Business, Economics & Law
        June 2020

        Field Guide to the Forest Trees of Uganda

        For Identification and Conservation

        by James Kalema, Alan Hamilton

        This book is a guide for the identification of the indigenous forest trees of Uganda. It will be useful for those who wish to contribute towards the conservation of the forests or to plant indigenous trees. Information is provided on how to propagate and cultivate about 80 of the most valuable species. Indigenous trees provide numerous resources useful for welfare and development. They include many types of timber and non-timber forest products, such as craft materials, foods and medicines. The proximity of indigenous forest helps to moderate the local climate, making it more suitable for agriculture. Indigenous forests protect springs, therefore safeguarding water supplies more effectively than exotic trees such as pines and eucalyptus. All 450 known indigenous tree species from the forests are included. Both scientific and local names are provided, the latter in 21 languages. Local names facilitate access to knowledge and values traditionally attached to the species, useful when planning pathways of development firmly rooted in local culture. The book will be invaluable for botanists, foresters, rural development workers and members of the general public concerned about contributing to conservation and sustainable development in Uganda. Many of the species grow in neighbouring countries, so the book has relevance there too.

      • Trusted Partner
        December 2014

        Living above Life

        by Yan Zhen

        This novel presents the image of some contemporary Chinese intellectuals represented by Nie Zhiyuan who, instead of being pushed around by convention, tries to live beyond mediocrity and to pursue truth. Rather than being worldly or sophisticated, these people are serious about everything and hold on to the moral bottom-line of intellectuals by distancing themselves from the stink of money. They have independent intellectual personality with the determination to model after such great historical figures as Cao Xueqin. They broaden their academic perspective, construct their own framework of learning, and try their best to find the value and meaning of living above life. Of course, this novel also depicts the corruption of knowledge brought on by connections and circles, the distortion of personality brought on by money and power … and the perplexity, struggle, compromise and adherence of people with lofty ideals like Nie Zhiyuan.

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        Geography & the Environment
        July 2024

        Living the urban periphery

        Infrastructure, everyday life and economic change in African city-regions

        by Paula Meth, Sarah Charlton, Tom Goodfellow, Alison Todes

        The edges of cities are increasingly understood as places of dynamism and change, but there is little research on African urban peripheries, the nature of building, growth, investment and decline that is shaping them and how these are lived. This co-authored monograph draws on findings from an extensive comparative study on Ethiopia and South Africa, in conversation with a related study on Ghana. It examines African urban peripheries through a dual focus on the experiences of living in these changing contexts, alongside the logics driving their transformation. Through its conceptualisation and application of five 'logics of periphery', it offers unique, contextually-informed insights into the generic processes shaping urban peripheries, and the variable ways in which these are playing out in contemporary Africa for those living the peripheries.

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        Children's & YA
        June 2020

        Two Tortoises in the Forest

        by Bahar Sener / Gabriela Vagnoli

        Regardless of their reactions, all children are beautiful and deserve respect and care. They sometimes misbehave, in fact this may even go as far as peer bullying. In this book, you will see how this kind of behaviours can be transformed and open the way for a good friendship when children are treated with love. Children and adults alike have so much to learn from those intelligent, wise tortoises who are famous for acting slowly but surely.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        October 2020

        The European Union and its eastern neighbourhood

        Europeanisation and its twenty-first-century contradictions

        by Mike Mannin, Paul Flenley

        This volume is timely in that it explores key issues which are currently at the forefront of the EU's relations with its eastern neighbours. It considers the impact of a more assertive Russia, the significance of Turkey, the limitations of the Eastern Partnership with Belarus and Moldova, the position of a Ukraine in crisis and pulled between Russia and the EU, security and democracy in the South Caucasus. It looks at the contested nature of European identity in areas such as the Balkans. In addition it looks at ways in which the EU's interests and values can be tested in sectors such as trade and migration. The interplay between values, identity and interests and their effect on the interpretation of europeanisation between the EU and its neighbours is a core theme of the volume.

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        Politics & government
        January 2015

        Governing Europe's neighbourhood

        Partners or periphery?

        by Edited by Katja Weber, Michael E. Smith and Michael Baun

        This volume, newly available in paperback, examines the role of the European Union in creating a system of governance involving the countries and regions of its new 'neighbourhood'. Enlargement has functioned as one of the EU's most effective foreign policy tools, yet the EU is rapidly approaching the limits of its capacity to accept new member states. It therefore must develop ways of extending and preserving the European zone of peace and stability that do not rely on the prospect of membership as a means of influencing the behaviour of non-member countries. A major step in this direction is the EU's new European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP). The ENP aims to create a ring of 'well-governed and friendly' countries along the EU's eastern, southeastern, and southern peripheries. This volume situates this policy in a broad, analytically-coherent framework, supported by a full range of ENP case studies, to explain whether the ENP represents a truly new approach to regional governance.

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        Children's & YA

        Guinea Pig Investigates

        by Ivan Andrusyak (Author), Anna Mayta (Illustrator)

        Detective Gerard, a guinea pig, is known for his sweet tooth. When mysterious crimes occur in the neighborhood, animals both living in nearby homes and on the street ask him for help, promising to pay him tasty fees. Together with Gerard, you will find out who has eaten the cat's breakfast, evade hungry predators, uncover the secrets of an unknown scarecrow that terrorizes good animals, investigate dark corners, and confront your fears. Most importantly, you will learn how to catch intruders using deduction and logic!     From 6 to 9 years, 12550 words Rightsholders:

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2019

        Living in Space

        by Joseph A. Angelo, Jr.

        Aimed at inspiring students in high school and college to become the space experts of tomorrow, this eBook describes in detail the challenges of living in outer space—including dealing with microgravity, wearing space suits, the hazards of space travel, space food, and radiation—complete with a wealth of images that help recreate the experience of living in space.

      • Trusted Partner
        Forestry & related industries
        October 1999

        Forest Dynamics in Heavily Polluted Regions

        by Edited by John L Innes, J Oleksyn

        Air pollution has been recognised as a potential problem for forests for nearly 150 years. Today, sulphur dioxide, fluorides, heavy metals and ozone are a significant problem, usually from large scale sources in industrial and urban areas. Problems are exacerbated in those regions where there is a poor understanding of the factors involved in forest decline and destruction and no rigorous control over it has been established.This book is the first report from the International Union of Forest Research Organization’s (IUFRO) Task Force on Environmental Change and provides an assessment of the extent of air pollution impacts on forests in heavily polluted regions. It includes case studies from Russia, Ontario (Canada), California and the Mediterranean region.It is also the first volume in a new book series covering many areas of forestry research, published by CABI Publishing in association with IUFRO.

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        Children's & YA
        October 2004

        Through the forest. Across the sky. On the water. Trilogy

        by Serhii Oksenyk

        Book 1. The Bald Man. When a twelve-year-old boy has to take on his young shoulders a burden of responsibility for others, when the whole forest is against him, when he is the only one to decide what is good and what is bad, every step of a dangerous journey might be the last… will the hero be able to reach the goal of his journey? Will he manage to save people and not to turn into a werewolf? Will it help him that he is a teenager or it will be an obstacle? Book 1. The Bald Man. When a twelve-year-old boy has to take on his young shoulders a burden of responsibility for others, when the whole forest is against him, when he is the only one to decide what is good and what is bad, every step of a dangerous journey might be the last… will the hero be able to reach the goal of his journey? Will he manage to save people and not to turn into a werewolf? Will it help him that he is a teenager or it will be an obstacle?Book 1. The Bald Man. When a twelve-year-old boy has to take on his young shoulders a burden of responsibility for others, when the whole forest is against him, when he is the only one to decide what is good and what is bad, every step of a dangerous journey might be the last… will the hero be able to reach the goal of his journey? Will he manage to save people and not to turn into a werewolf? Will it help him that he is a teenager or it will be an obstacle?Book 1. The Bald Man. When a twelve-year-old boy has to take on his young shoulders a burden of responsibility for others, when the whole forest is against him, when he is the only one to decide what is good and what is bad, every step of a dangerous journey might be the last… will the hero be able to reach the goal of his journey? Will he manage to save people and not to turn into a werewolf? Will it help him that he is a teenager or it will be an obstacle? Book II. LelyaCould be there anything more frightening than when The Bald Man and The Barefoot come to the village? Who steals magic stuff from kids? How to transform yourself into a flying old witch whose name is Baba Yaga? Where does the last way of the werewolves end? You will find the exciting answers to all these questionsin this new novel about the adventures of Lelya, The Bald Man and their friends in horrible world where almost nothing good and bright left…But there is no other world! Book III. AN ENGINEER. Looks like we have already found out what is that evil Force that wants to destroy all people and all living creatures on the Earth but nobody knows how to overcome it. The Bald Man proposed a plan, which looked so hopeless, terrifying, and adventurous that nobody liked it - nor Marichka, neither Lelya or The Beard Man, but yet all our heroes and even the rooster named Falkon agree to participate and to help. It is scary even to imagine how the story might end. And yet – where did this dark underground Force came from? Why is it so hostile to everything alive? The answers to these questions probably are hidden in the fate of another character, who called himself an Engineer. The last book of a trilogy “Through the forest. Across the sky. On the water” is as full of fantastic adventures and adventure fiction as the two previous ones: “The Bald Man” and “Lelya”.

      • Trusted Partner

        Out There, in the Forest & Ein Ro’eem

        Two Plays

        by Shmuel Cohavy

        Ein Ro'eem is a comedy that takes place on a kibbutz in Israel. Some kibbutz members create a show for a children's celebration and rehearse in a field amid successful and unsuccessful love affairs that threaten to derail the performance. Meanwhile, the kibbutz decides to cut down part of its unprofitable orchard, inspiring orchard workers to strike. Will they save the orchard? Will the love affairs survive? And will the show succeed? In Out There, in the Forest, three plots are intertwined. A British journalist is intrigued by a mysterious masked murderer in The East African Republic and travels there to find him. Who is this murderer? Is there a reason for his attacks, or is he simply a lunatic? He desperately wants to look the murderer in the eyes. Meanwhile, three American women struggle with harsh living conditions in a cave in the jungle. Will they survive their battle against nature? Simultaneously, the local population rebels against their ruler, who rose to power in a military coup. Will their revolt succeed or will they continue to endure the harsh regime? Shmuel Cohavy is an Israeli writer who spent most of his youth on a kibbutz. He also worked at the Timna copper mines and studied history and filmmaking at Tel Aviv University. Although Cohavy’s plays have been presented in the Finborough Theatre in London, this book marks the first time his plays have been published in English. An English-language eBook edition was published in late 2014 by Samuel Wachtman’s Sons, Inc., CA. 314 pages, 15 x 22.5 cm

      • Trusted Partner
        Mind, Body, Spirit

        Encounters with Living Language

        Surrendering to the Power of Words

        by Christina Donnell, PhD

        A riveting true-life adventure story, this book opens doorways into the hidden depths of human consciousness, revealing pathways to experience our world guided by deep insight. Donnell awakens readers to the intrinsic energy of language, where we can experience its multidimensional transmissions connecting us to the oneness that underlies all Life. Her discoveries, free of spiritual dogma, invites readers to explore how living language impacts dormant places waiting within them to come alive.

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        A Thriller for Young Readers

        by Pnina Ophir

        The story is set in a typical old-timers’ neighborhood in central Tel Aviv. For several decades, the neighborhood contained a firehouse and an emergency medical center, as well as a colorful open-air market. But one day, the character of the street changes completely: Bulldozers begin tearing down the buildings, which are to be replaced by two modern multistory houses and a paved public square. A group of sixth-graders living in the neighborhood discovers that, in addition to the construction company's excavations, another private excavation is under way. It transpires that a pair of criminals decided that the noise and commotion in the area provided a one-time opportunity to unearth a mysterious "treasure chest" that was buried under the old firehouse long ago. The children’s curiosity and courage ultimately lead to the capture of the criminals moments before the chest is found, which in turn solves the mystery.     A second book in this series, named The Magician from Motzkin Boulevard has already been written and a Hebrew-language edition will be published later this year. 96 pages, full-color hardcover with B/W illustrations inside, 15X22 cm

      • Trusted Partner
        April 2024

        I love you…

        by Julien Tănase

        The book "I Love You..." is part of the trilogy..., "I love you, till death..." and "I love you, as long as my heart beats”, autobiographical love novels which include chapters from life in a couple of the writer Julien Tănase and his wife, Magdi, with whom he has been in a relationship for 30 years, all against the background of the events that Romania has gone through in recent decades, after the Revolution of '89. A trilogy about the endurance over time of a young couple in love, who have gone through events that are out of touch with reality in Romania where sleeping with a gun under the pillow, the fear of having their child kidnapped, and even the "wars" waged against the corruption of magistrates, politicians and the information systems of a civil society gripped by the widespread corruption in Romania, including the lawsuit invented by the DNA (National Anticorruption Directorate) to stop his work as a journalist and finally won by the writer, makes the autobiography of writer Julien Tănase a fascinating one that leaves you with a bitter taste in your mouth and a big question mark; ... "such things have happened and continue to happen in Romania"?... The writer Julien Tănase: "A friend in the Italian Police told me, and I quote him: "... if you had done in Italy what you did for your country, today a street would bear your name! But you had been dead!"

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