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      • Trusted Partner
        November 2017

        Proustiana XXX

        Mitteilungen der Marcel Proust Gesellschaft

        by Marcel Proust Gesellschaft

        Die Proustiana, offizielles Mitteilungsorgan der Marcel Proust Gesellschaft, dokumentieren aktuelle Zeugnisse der deutschsprachigen Proust-Rezeption und enthalten Buchbesprechungen sowie Hinweise auf Aktivitäten »autour de Proust«. In diesem Band findet sich außerdem ein Autoren- und ein Titelregister sämtlicher Beiträger und Beiträge, die in den verschiedenen Publikationen der Marcel Proust Gesellschaft seit ihrer Gründung vor 35 Jahren veröffentlicht wurden. Im Anhang das Verzeichnis der ca. 500 Mitglieder.

      • Trusted Partner
        July 2000

        Werke. Große kommentierte Berliner und Frankfurter Ausgabe. 30 Bände (in 32 Teilbänden) und ein Registerband

        by Bertolt Brecht, Werner Hecht, Jan Knopf, Klaus-Detlef Müller

        Bertolt Brecht wurde am 10. Februar 1898 in Augsburg geboren und starb am 14. August 1956 in Berlin. Von 1917 bis 1918 studierte er an der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München Naturwissenschaften, Medizin und Literatur. Sein Studium musste er allerdings bereits im Jahr 1918 unterbrechen, da er in einem Augsburger Lazarett als Sanitätssoldat eingesetzt wurde. Bereits während seines Studiums begann Brecht Theaterstücke zu schreiben. Ab 1922 arbeitete er als Dramaturg an den Münchener Kammerspielen. Von 1924 bis 1926 war er Regisseur an Max Reinhardts Deutschem Theater in Berlin. 1933 verließ Brecht mit seiner Familie und Freunden Berlin und flüchtete über Prag, Wien und Zürich nach Dänemark, später nach Schweden, Finnland und in die USA. Neben Dramen schrieb Brecht auch Beiträge für mehrere Emigrantenzeitschriften in Prag, Paris und Amsterdam. 1948 kehrte er aus dem Exil nach Berlin zurück, wo er bis zu seinem Tod als Autor und Regisseur tätig war. Jan Knopf, 1944 in Arnstadt/Thüringen geboren, ist seit 1984 Professor für Literaturwissenschaft und seit 1989 Leiter der Arbeitsstelle Bertolt Brecht (ABB) am Institut für Literaturwissenschaft der Universität Karlsruhe. Er veröffentlichte über 30 Bücher zu Brecht, Dürrenmatt, Hebel, zu Kalender und Kalendergeschichte; er ist Mitherausgeber von Bertolt Brecht: Werke. Große kommentierte Berliner und Frankfurter Ausgabe in 30 Bänden und Herausgeber des Brecht-Handbuchs in fünf Bänden.

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & young adult fiction & true stories

        36 and 6 Cats

        by Halyna Vdovychenko

        36 and 6 cats — that’s exactly how many fluffy tailed creatures appeared in front of Mrs. Krepova’s apartment on one rainy evening. The stubborn woman was reluctant to welcome the strangers in her house, but everything changed when the feline, sphinx-like Baroness appeared and completely won her heart. Neither Mrs. Krepova nor her nephew Stas could have ever imagined the outcome of the invasion of their small apartment by 36 adult cats and 6 small kittens.

      • Trusted Partner
        November 2020

        The Thirty-Six Stratagems

        by Huang Pumin

        The Thirty-Six Stratagems is a book of warfare based on ancient Chinese Han military thought and rich experience of struggle. It is a collection of tactics and strategies that not only summarises and refines the military strategies of previous generations, but also gives philosophical and creative play to the principles of the Book of Changes, and occupies a place in the history of Chinese military science.

      • Trusted Partner
        May 1988

        Werke. Große kommentierte Berliner und Frankfurter Ausgabe. 30 Bände (in 32 Teilbänden) und ein Registerband

        Band 5: Stücke 5. Leben des Galilei (1938/39). Galileo. Leben des Galilei (1955/56). Dansen. Was kostet das Eisen?

        by Bertolt Brecht, Klaus-Detlef Müller, Werner Hecht, Jan Knopf, Werner Mittenzwei, Günther Klotz, Bärbel Schrader

        Leben des Galilei (1938/39) / Galileo (English Adaptation 1947) / Leben des Galilei (1955/56) / Dansen / Was kostet das Eisen?

      • Trusted Partner
        May 2020

        The Guys of Rangoon 1930

        by Khet Zaw

        The Guys of Rangoon , 1930 is a record breaking bestseller book from Myanmar . It sold 16000 copies within one day during the pre order period. More than one hundred thousand copies have been sold so far. Film rights, several merchandise rights, comic rights already sold.It was based in Yangon , Myanmar during the colonial period. The main character is Pho Thoke who was a gangster and managed a lot of business by himself and his gang. He is very close with politicians as well and he is involved in several dirty political movements in Myanmar . This story is based on real characters and events.

      • Trusted Partner
        August 1989

        Vorlesungen 1930–1935

        Cambridge 1930–1932

        by Ludwig Wittgenstein, Desmond Lee, Alice Ambrose, Joachim Schulte

        "Die Nachschriften von Wittgensteins Cambridger Vorlesungen aus den Jahren 1930-1935 sind eines der eindringlichsten Zeugnisse der Entwicklung seines Denkens. In diesen Nachschriften erleben wir Wittgenstein als Lehrer und im Gespräch: die erörterten Themen reichen vom Wesen des Satzes, den Farbausdrücken und Problemen des Gesichtsraums bis zu Diskussionen mathematischer Grundlagenfragen und Gedanken über den Zeitbegriff. Manches, was in den Schriften nur angedeutet ist, wird hier erläutert und mit Hilfe von Beispielen vertieft. Stets wechselt der Aspekt der Betrachtung, und nie ist ein Gegenstand des Denkens für Wittgenstein wirklich derselbe; immer entdeckt er eine neue Schwierigkeit, eine neue Facette."

      • Trusted Partner
        April 2015

        30. April 1945

        Der Tag, an dem Hitler sich erschoß und die Westbindung der Deutschen begann

        by Alexander Kluge

        Der 30. April 1945, ein Montag, »letzter ausgeübter Werktag des Deutschen Reiches«. Es ist ein Tag voller Widersprüche und verwirrender Lebensgeschichten. In Berlins Mitte toben heftige Gefechte, die Rote Armee nimmt die Stadt in Besitz, Hitler erschießt sich. Scheinbare Idylle dagegen in der Schweiz. In San Francisco formieren sich die Vereinten Nationen. Alexander Kluge beschreibt in seinem Buch lokale und globale Verhältnisse. In diesen wahren und erfundenen Geschichten geht es um das Leben in einer kleinen, von amerikanischen Streitkräften schon besetzten Stadt, um den Takt der Haarschnitte, aber auch um Ereignisse rund um den Erdball. Die Frage, die sich überall und unwiderruflich stellt: Wie soll man auf den Umsturz der Verhältnisse angemessen reagieren? Basierend auf persönlichen Erinnerungen und historischen Fakten, zeichnet Alexander Kluge das vielstimmige Portrait eines Tages, der Geschichte schrieb und dessen Folgen auch 70 Jahre später noch deutlich spürbar sind.

      • Trusted Partner

        Selected for 33 years

        by Oleksandr Irvanets

        This book is part of the poetry series "Numbers", which includes collections of Ukrainian and foreign poets. The oldest works of Oleksandr Irvanets in this collection date back to the 1980s. While immersing into the book, you will discover how the poet's life and work, thoughts and beliefs have changed over many years. "Selected for 33 years" is the twenty-fifth published book of Oleksandr Irvants, a true classic of the Ukrainian literature.

      • Trusted Partner

        Compulsory Training. Preparing and blistering

        Pursuant to Art. 34 ApBetrO

        by Manuela Queckenberg

        If medicines are prepared or blistered in advance, this not only saves time during the course of nursing care but also prevents medication errors. Section 34 of the German Ordinance on the Operation of a Pharmacy (ApBetrO) regulates the procedure and at the same time stipulates staff training. This is the perfect tool to use! The whole field of preparing and blistering, presented on 43 slides: - Basics: definitions and statutory requirements - Requirements: rooms, staff, hygiene, and occupational safety and health - Prerequisites: quality and plausibility - Drug products: whitelist and blacklist - Manufacture: from deblistering to labelling The content of the 2nd edition has been updated. The volume now contains many new photos and illustrations. Training slides, explanatory text and the form for documenting the training can be found as usual on the tabletop display and for download. Whether new employees or old hands – everyone benefits!

      • Trusted Partner
        March 2005

        Briefwechsel 1930–1940

        by Gretel Adorno, Walter Benjamin, Christoph Gödde, Henri Lonitz

        Die Korrespondenz zwischen Gretel Adorno und Walter Benjamin, die 1930 einsetzt, aber erst mit Benjamins Emigration nach Frankreich ihre volle Intensität erreicht, ist nicht nur ein spätes Zeugnis des intellektuellen Berlin der zwanziger Jahre, sondern auch das Dokument einer großen Freundschaft, die unabhängig von der Beziehung Benjamins zu Theodor W. Adorno bestand. Während Benjamin, neben seinen Alltagssorgen, insbesondere über jene Projekte schreibt, an denen er in den letzten Jahren seines Lebens mit Hochdruck gearbeitet hat – vor allem über den »Baudelaire« –, war es Gretel Karplus-Adorno, die mit aller Macht versuchte, Benjamin in der Welt zu halten. Sie drängte ihn zur Emigration, berichtete von Adornos Plänen und Blochs Aufenthaltsorten und hielt so die Verbindung zwischen den alten Berliner Freunden und Bekannten aufrecht. Sie half ihm durch regelmäßige Geldüberweisungen über die schlimmsten Zeiten hinweg und organisierte eine finanzielle Unterstützung aus dem anfänglich noch vom Deutschen Reich unabhängigen Saarland. In New York angekommen, versucht sie mit ihren Beschreibungen der Stadt und der Neuankömmlinge, Benjamin nach Amerika zu locken. Aber Benjamin schreibt im Frühjahr 1940: »Wir müssen sehen, unser Bestes in die Briefe zu legen; denn nichts deutet darauf hin, daß der Augenblick unseres Wiedersehens nahe ist.«

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences

        30 essays on archaeological research of the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra

        by Sergiy Taranenko

        For the 30th anniversary of Ukraine’s independence, the team of authors of the National Preserve "Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra" has prepared a unique publication - 30 essays on the archaeological research of the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra. The book presents 30 sensational and most valuable archaeologically recorded objects and artifacts found in the period from 1991 to 2021 on the territory of the Kyiv Pechersk Lavra. Each essay consists of textual and illustrative parts. Almost thousand-year history of the famous Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, always attracts not only Kyiv citizens, but also a lot of guests from all over Ukraine and various countries of the world.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        May 2004

        Health, disease and society in Europe, 1800–1930

        A source book

        by Deborah Brunton, Isobel McLean

        During the nineteenth century, the provision of medical care underwent a radical transformation. In 1800, the body was still understood in terms of humours and fluids, and treatment was provided by a wide range of individuals, some of whom had little or no formal training. Institutions were marginal to the medical enterprise, and governments took almost no part in providing medical services. By 1930, however, a recognisably modern medicine had begun to emerge across Europe. New understandings of human physiology had resulted in the new science of surgical therapy; hospitals had become centres for care, research and training; and the newly organised medical professions increasingly sought to regulate medical practice. In most countries, the state had accepted responsibility for public health and the provision of basic welfare services. This volume provides readers with unrivalled access to a comprehensive range of sources on these major themes. Extracts from contemporary writings vividly illustrate key aspects of medical thought and practice, while a selection of classic historical research and up-to-date work in the field helps further our understanding of medical history. Thematically arranged, these sources are assembled to complement the essays in the companion volume, Medicine Transformed: Health, Disease and Society in Europe, 1800-1930. In addition, brief scholarly introductions make the sources accessible to both the specialist and the general reader. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        July 2024

        Mid-century women's writing

        Disrupting the public/private divide

        by Melissa Dinsman, Megan Faragher, Ravenel Richardson

        The traditional narrative of the mid-century (1930s-60s) is that of a wave of expansion and constriction, with the swelling of economic and political freedoms for women in the 1930s, the cresting of women in the public sphere during the Second World War, and the resulting break as employment and political opportunities for women dwindled in the 1950s when men returned home from the front. But as the burgeoning field of interwar and mid-century women's writing has demonstrated, this narrative is in desperate need of re-examination. Mid-century women's writing: Disrupting the public/private divide aims to revivify studies of female writers, journalists, broadcasters, and public intellectuals living or working in Britain, or under British rule, during the mid-century while also complicating extant narratives about the divisions between domesticity and politics.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        October 2014

        Country houses and the British Empire, 1700–1930

        by Andrew Thompson, Stephanie Barczewski, John Mackenzie

        Country houses and the British empire, 1700-1930 assesses the economic and cultural links between country houses and the Empire between the eighteenth and twentieth centuries. Using sources from over fifty British and Irish archives, it enables readers to better understand the impact of the empire upon the British metropolis by showing both the geographical variations and its different cultural manifestations. Barczewski offers a rare scholarly analysis of the history of country houses that goes beyond an architectural or biographical study, and recognises their importance as the physical embodiments of imperial wealth and reflectors of imperial cultural influences. In so doing, she restores them to their true place of centrality in British culture over the last three centuries, and provides fresh insights into the role of the Empire in the British metropolis. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        October 2016

        Country houses and the British Empire, 1700–1930

        by Andrew Thompson, Stephanie Barczewski, John M. MacKenzie

        Country houses and the British empire, 1700-1930 assesses the economic and cultural links between country houses and the Empire between the eighteenth and twentieth centuries. Using sources from over fifty British and Irish archives, it enables readers to better understand the impact of the empire upon the British metropolis by showing both the geographical variations and its different cultural manifestations. Barczewski offers a rare scholarly analysis of the history of country houses that goes beyond an architectural or biographical study, and recognises their importance as the physical embodiments of imperial wealth and reflectors of imperial cultural influences. In so doing, she restores them to their true place of centrality in British culture over the last three centuries, and provides fresh insights into the role of the Empire in the British metropolis.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        February 2017

        Country houses and the British Empire, 1700–1930

        by Stephanie Barczewski

        Country houses and the British empire, 1700-1930 assesses the economic and cultural links between country houses and the Empire between the eighteenth and twentieth centuries. Using sources from over fifty British and Irish archives, it enables readers to better understand the impact of the empire upon the British metropolis by showing both the geographical variations and its different cultural manifestations. Barczewski offers a rare scholarly analysis of the history of country houses that goes beyond an architectural or biographical study, and recognises their importance as the physical embodiments of imperial wealth and reflectors of imperial cultural influences. In so doing, she restores them to their true place of centrality in British culture over the last three centuries, and provides fresh insights into the role of the Empire in the British metropolis.

      • Trusted Partner
        Biography & True Stories

        Kazymyr Malevych. Kyiv Period 1928-1930

        by Tetyana Filevska (compiler)

        This publication presents Kazymyr Malevich’s theoretical legacy, which is first and foremost connected to the time he spent in Kyiv and in Ukraine. When he lived in Kyiv, he taught at the Kyiv Art Institute and published in the journals Nova Generatsiia (New Generation) and Avanhard (Avant-Garde). The book also contains his letters, memoirs, and various publications related to his exhibition at the Kyiv Art Gallery in the 1930. Kazymyr Malevich: The Kyiv Period is unique in that it includes not only the artist’s well-known essays, but also tsome previously unpublished exts of his authorship that were discovered in 2015 in the Kyiv archive of a well known artist Marian Kropyvnytsky. In the late 1920s, Kropyvnytsky was Malevich’s personal assistant at the Kyiv Art Institute.

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